Part 33-Jealous marinette

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Chat Noir walked through the side door of the Dupain-Cheng's bakery, they had given him a key only a few weeks into his new relationship, along with some simple large overcoats and pants on the roof, so he could get into the Bakery in a number of ways without being seen even through the front door.

He locked the door behind and walked into the house part of the bakery, tapping the wall along the way to let anyone near know he had arrived.

His cat ears flicked as he heard Tom around the corner, he was around this house enough by this point that he could easily identify each of the three by there footsteps(although Tom's were the easiest to differentiate).

"Hello Tom, good day?" he asked as he turned the corner to where Tom was walking out of the living room, heading to the kitchen he presumed.

"Rather good Son" he answered with a smile(it was just an affectionate term, but being called 'son' never failed to send a thrum of happiness through him) "me and Sabine are going to make dinner, are you able to stay? We are making breaded chicken."

"That sound meow-vilous, and I have the time to stay as long as that's all right with you." He didn't want to oppose, although honestly having a Dupain-Chang cooked meal with his girlfriend sounded like the best thing in the world right now.

"No problem at all Son." Tom said still smiling "Fair warning though, Mari was a bit quiet today."

"Anything particularly wrong?" he asked concerned, he hadn't seen anything wrong with Marinette earlier today, but then again he wasn't exactly close to her as Adrien, he never had been but she seemed to have just drifted away even more since she started dating him as Chat. He never put much thought into it, him as Chat was not him as Adrien, there were difference circumstances and they had had different talks, so on the whole he didn't care. But the thought that it had caused him to miss something going wrong with his Princess was distressing.

Tom must have seen it(probably the ears or tail, they gave a lot away despite Chat not being able to see them or be aware of them himself) and he clapped Chat's shoulder in comfort "Nothing to bad, seems like she just had a lot on her mind. Just go and keep her company an everything will be fine."

Chat nodded and went towards Marinette's room as Tom went on his way, he didn't hear Sabine anywhere so he figured she was already in the kitchen waiting for Tom.

As he got to Marinette's room he made sure to knock before coming in, and when there weren't any shouts of him to wait or leave he walked in. Marinette was at her desk working on her homework, although given the general lack of motion and kind of blank expression on her face he didn't think she was that interested in it.

"Hey purr-incess, lovely to see you today." in his normal teasing tone hoping to get a reaction from her. And he did as she smiled and looked up as he got closer, and he couldn't resist giving her a quick kiss on the forehead, which caused her smile to widen just a bit,

"Hey Alley Cat, you mind sitting on my bed for a minute, I'll be done real quick."

Not sure why he needed to be on the bed for that, but he went with it, sitting on her bed watching her finish, noticeably more animated then when he had first walked in.

She did finish rapidly, he barely noticed the time passing as he just watched her(he was good at waiting in general, and with Marinette in the room it was even easier). However what she did next he did notice, as after he put her school stuff away she walked over to where he was and gently pushed him down.

He went with it, it's not like Marinette could actually push him around seeing as he was a legitimate superhuman and she wasn't, but if she was being this pushy he was willing to see what she wanted.

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