Part 32- Biker girl

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Warning-Fluff, tooth rotting fluff, some family fluff, some love fluff, but this is fluff. Also some attempts at humor, but mostly fluff.

Summary- Chat wanted some Macaroons, and after feeding a stray cat they keep coming back. After a while he's introduced to the rest of the family as Marinette's boyfriend. One shots of there relationship, not chronological or anything, but all the same overarching story.

Note- This was the first Marichat chapter I thought of, so after the Start chapter I'm making this one right away.

Featuring Marinette in leather, a happy kitty that can't talk, and an amused pair of parents.


It was was a pretty typical, and great, day for Chat Noir, the super-hero alter-ego of Adrien Agreste.

He was at his girlfriend's house, quite a while after her had been introduced to her parents, and things were still going great, sure there had been a few bumps here and there, but for the vast majority everything had been great. Tom and Sabine were amazing, Marinette was the best girlfriend he could ask for, and the house felt more like home then his actual home, granted there were times he felt he spent more time here then at home as he used every excuse possible to be ere, even if for only a short time.

He felt eternally lucky that Plagg seemed to like this as well, as it basically meant he could eat cheese, then sleep while Chat had fun, even luckier that Plagg never woke up, or at least never mentioned, some of the things he and Marinette had started doing while alone.

At this moment he was in the living room just watching the news on the couch, Sabine was reading some romance novel on a chair, Tom was reading a magazine right next to her on another chair, and Marinette was sketching something on a sketchbook Chat had gotten her a few weeks back right next to him.

It was Marinette that broke the comfortable silence "Chat what do you think a biker-girl would wear?"

Chat blinked at that, partially because he had been paying attention to the TV and not her, and partially because he had no idea where that came from(and he felt like this was one of those questions where there was no good answer).

"Where is that coming from Princess?" Tom and Sabine were now paying attention as well as Marinette answered him.

"Well I was thinking of getting a leather jacket, you know so we can match a bit, but after talking to Grandma I thought rather then just a jacket why not go all the way and make it a full outfit."

Chat blinked a bit at that and couldn't help but point out "You know if you really wanted to match with me then you need a catsuit not a jacket." He wilted a bit at Marinette's AND Sabine's unimpressed looks at him while Tom shook his head. OK so maybe suggesting his girlfriend wear a leather catsuit wasn't the most tactful idea, much less with her parents in the room. Plus outside of this room and Ladybug no one knew he and Marinette were dating so even if he could convince her she couldn't exactly be that blatant with it.

He coughed a bit then acted like he hadn't just said that "Well I'd suggest the jacket being the only bit of leather, this" he gestured to his suit "is magic, real leather doesn't breath and it can chafe. So darker jeans and a shirt?"

Marinette nodded at that "the shirt should be a lighter color, break up the black a bit, something strappy I think, like a Camisole shirt or something, a spiked belt could work to."

Sabine threw in her two cents "Heeled Boots I'd think"

Tom couldn't quite help but say in an obviously joking tone "Our girl becoming a biker, where did we go wrong?" Sabine smiled at him and swatted his big arm, Chat never got tired of watching those two interact.

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