Part 18- Stargazing

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Sometimes he wondered how he got this lucky.

Her presence at his side had changed his life. She taught him what it truly meant to be brave, and what it was like to really be part of a family. She taught him both heart ache, and how to heal. But most importantly, she taught him the difference between loving someone, and being in love with them.

And he knew without a doubt in his mind, or in his heart, that he was in love with the beautiful bluenette lying here with him.

He moved his clawed hand through her soft hair absentmindedly, his eyes roaming the darkened sky above them. The stars were out in full view here in the countryside. There was no light pollution to hinder their brilliance, and the quiet night was like a blanket of comfort, cocooning them into their own little world.

There was no one to intrude on their space, and no one to interrupt their alone time.

There was nothing more in this moment than them. Just her. And just him.

Right now, they were nothing more than ants underneath a never-ending sky, no more or less important than the next person.

Except, that this girl, she wasn't just important. She was his world, the reason his heart continued to beat inside his chest. She was the gravity that kept him tethered to reality, and the perfect dream he never wanted to wake up from.

She shifted slightly and he smiled to himself. She had fallen asleep a few minutes ago, her head resting on his stomach so she could stare up at the sky comfortably. He knew the nice night would be her undoing once they got out here.

Even though it had been her idea, he knew how tired she was lately. It was only a matter of time before sleep took her.

Getting out of the city for the weekend was the only way he was ever able to get her to rest, and focus on herself for a change. This was the fifth time they'd come out here to do this, but he was starting to enjoy it more and more. He would daresay he was even looking forward to these little trips to stargaze. The second she mentioned it, he was booking the reservation for the little cottage where they usually stayed, and packing his bags the next.

She shifted again, her eyes fluttering open as his hand stilled, "Good morning purrincess."

She smiled up at him, her bluebell eyes glistening brighter than the stars above them, "Sorry Kitty, I fell asleep huh?"

He chuckled, "For a little bit. Do you want to head back?"

"No, not yet." She said sleepily, squinting her eyes at him before she asked, "What's with that look on your face?"

He was sure his expression wasn't hiding anything, but as Chat Noir, he was glad there was no reason to try and hold back. He loved her, and he was going to make sure she knew it in every breath he took.

"I'm just, enjoying my new favorite pastime with the girl I love. Is that a crime?" He asked teasing, running the side of his finger up her cheek. He reveled in the pink dusting her cheeks, smiling more as she sat up, his gaze never wavering from hers.

"No, but you look like you are enjoying yourself far too much without me." She commented. His tail wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer.

"It wouldn't be my new favorite pastime without you." He whispered lovingly.

"It was my idea." She reminded him, tapping his nose lightly with her finger. He chuckled again, and she looked up at the sky, only quiet for a moment before she said it excitedly, "Chat! A shooting star!"

Her smile reached her eyes, turning them into glittering pools of blue jewels. He sat up at her excitement, wrapping his arms around her from behind and resting his chin on her shoulder, "Did you make a wish?"

She said it happily, putting her arms over his, "I didn't have to. I have everything I want right here."

He kissed the back of her head, "How did I get so lucky?"

She giggled, "Even black cats have to be lucky sometimes." She turned slightly, smiling and instantly warming his heart.

He knew he could get lost in her brilliant eyes forever, and he was perfectly okay with that. After all, they were the reason that stargazing had become his new favorite pastime.

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