Part 29- Rescued

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Adrien let himself fall heavily on his bed, Plagg falling heavily next to his head. They both sighed in the same exasperated way, taking in the silence of the room and hoping that by sitting still, their day couldn't get any worse.

"Today sucked." Plagg muttered out loud.

Adrien hummed his agreement, not ready to speak out loud just yet. His words had done enough damage today. He put his arm over his eyes, the weight of the day like a ton of bricks pressing heavily into his chest.

Today was supposed to have been a good, no, a great day. It was Friday, he didn't have any extra lessons, and the photoshoot had been rescheduled. His father was gone on a business trip for the weekend, so he'd been given free rein of his weekend for once.

He should have known waking up this morning that his day was going to be hell.

Not only had his alarm NOT gone off, his back-up alarm on his phone hadn't rung either because his phone hadn't charged last night. He had no idea how that had happened, but seeing that he had twenty minutes to get to school, he didn't have time to care.

After throwing on the first clothes he could find, he'd snatched his bag, ran his hands through his wild bedhead to somewhat try to tame it, and rushed downstairs to find a note on the front door from Gorilla. 'Going to give you an early start on your weekend, enjoy your day at school and I'll come check on you later tonight. Be back by 11pm.'

While on any other day, the freedom of walking to school would have been a monumental joy, now all he could do was groan before Plagg reminded him that he could get to school on time another way.

He should have never listened to Plagg.

Transforming and heading to school as Chat Noir had gotten him there with minutes to spare, only for him to have to turn around the second he landed outside to fight the obnoxiously loud akuma blasting everything in sight. And boy had he gotten his tail handed to him during the fight. He lost track of how many times the akuma sent him flying back into a building or into the ground, which is where Ladybug had found him groaning in pain.

Seeing her had brought a real hope that everything would be okay, but of course, the day was determined to prove him wrong.

Ladybug not only defeated the akuma in minutes, practically without him, but she hadn't even had to use her Lucky Charm. After their usual fist bump that he felt he didn't deserve, she disappeared as usual.

Then of course, he had to rush back to school, and his downhill fall continued.

Not only was he late, but he was in such a rush that as he headed down the hall to class, he realized his shoe was untied. He skidded to a stop before he could land face first, and ended up slamming into another body that he hadn't seen coming. His instinct had kicked in, and his arms wrapped around the other person tightly as they landed hard. His head knocked into the hard floor as a feminine squeal came from above him.

"A-ADRIEN! Oh my god I'm so sorry! Are you okay? Please be okay!" Marinette asked in a panic, tears filling her eyes as she looked at him.

He instantly smiled up at her, "No, no I'm okay. Just hit my head a little. Are you okay? I'm sorry I should have been paying attention."

There was a bright flash, making them both turn to see Alya beaming at them wickedly with her phone in her hand.

Marinette quickly scrambled off of him, her face scarlet as Miss Bustier gave them a knowing smile, "Taking 'running' late to a whole new level aren't we?"

They apologized sheepishly and Miss Bustier told her, "Marinette, take Adrien to the nurse please, just to make sure that bump isn't too bad."

"I'll be okay Miss Bustier." He insisted, but Miss Bustier wouldn't let him argue.

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