Part 31- Kidnapped

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This was a prime example of why he was supposed to check his surroundings before running headfirst into things. The one time, the ONE time he didn't check to make sure the coast was clear, THIS had to happen.

His wrists were bound to the arms of a chair, palm up, with what looked like black ribbon. His ankles were tied together with the same black ribbon, and more of it was tied around his middle, keeping him firmly pinned to what he took to be a desk chair. He moved his wrists, trying to break through the ribbon and thought - what the hell is this stuff made of, why can't I break free?!

From what he could see around the dark room, the faces of his captors were quite amused, watching him try to regain his bearings and find a way to escape as he finally came to. The throbbing pain at the back of his head wasn't helping him concentrate though.

A somewhat familiar, feisty female voice asked him suddenly, "Chat Noir, what a pleasant surprise. What, exactly, are you doing here?"

That wasn't a question he could, or WOULD answer. He said it trying to stay light, "Curious, I was wondering the same thing."

There was a soft chuckle to his right, as another familiar voice said it bluntly, "Oh don't worry, we are all pretty sure of what you are doing here Romeo."

He was glad that the mask hid his face, otherwise they would no doubt see the blush he could feel warming his cheeks. His tail flicked behind him and he smirked, "Girls, I know I'm purrfectly irresistible, but there are much better ways to get my attention."

Through the dark, he saw a small red light flickering in and out. He felt his ears flatten against his hair and his voice dropped, no longer amused, "Are you recording this?"

The feisty voice said it happily, "Oh, I would never pass up such a purrfect opportunity. Don't worry though, this won't go online or anything." There was a short pause before she said it threateningly, "If."

The tension in the room thickened, and he felt his heart fighting against his ribcage as he asked, already regretting it, "If?"

He could just make out three of the five faces starting to smirk, the other two shaking their heads.

"IF," the feisty voice emphasized, "you answer a few questions for us, being completely honest of course."

"Hmm, intriguing but, I'll have to decline." He said easily, adding it to try and make them feel guilty, "Besides my head still feels a little fuzzy after, whoever, hit me with, whatever."

Four of them chuckled and the fifth said it in a high pitched voice he could never mistake, "I'm so sorry I hit you so hard, you startled me!"

He smiled in her direction, "It's okay. I'll be alright. I'm sorry for startling you."

Someone cleared their throat and he turned back to her with a slight scowl, "Surely we can find a more civilized way to do this. I didn't think you'd resort to kidnapping." He moved his tied up wrists to emphasize his point and miss feisty in front of him smirked wider.

"Answer this ONE question, and we'll let you loose tomcat."

He let the silence carry, debating using cataclysm to catch them by surprise. If he could touch the chair he was tied to, he'd be able to make it back up the skylight with plenty of time to spare before his time ran out. He glanced around carefully, knowing how smart his captors were. The odds that one of them would be able to get something into his hand was too high. The last thing he wanted was to be on a time limit to de-transforming in front of them.

No. He couldn't risk it.

He told her firmly, breaking the tense air, "I don't think she'll be happy if she finds out you did this."

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