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chapter thirteen: an eye opener

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chapter thirteen: an eye opener

THE VENUE ENDS up being pretty grand, which isn't something unexpected. During the car journey, Taehyung's silence was so excruciatingly loud, it made me want to be deaf.

From his darting eye contact from me to the road to the awkward moment right now, where he was seated closer to me than ever.

It made me wonder if things would be different. If he'd still treat me like he usually does. If he'd find me weak. Especially since I'd shown him a very vulnerable part of me that I'd worked all too hard to keep buried pretty deep. Yes, he's started to be a little kinder, but that doesn't prevent his reaction to situations like this.

We walk through the rotating glass doors and into the big room right after it, which is painted red with gold chandeliers, all of which manage to go with the night sky outside.

Joint leather couches are arranged around round, wooden tables with glass centres. I notice Jaebeom seated with a girl beside him and detach myself from Taehyung, who stands now busy speaking to another suit-covered man.

"Yeri?" I call, a small frown on my face as I try to see if I'm right as I moved close enough to take a seat.

"In the flesh." She smiles. She only seems half as surprised to see me. "You should've told me it was this event you were attending."

"What a small world." I hum. "How come you guys know each other? I'd like to say I'm a little surprised," I ask as she finishes ordering drinks for our table.

Jaebeom immediately flushes a bright red colour and side-eyes Yeri briefly.

"We-we met at an um-"

"Night club." She passes a slim champagne glass to me and begins to tell the story.

"I was a bartender there back then, a bit before I got the job at the cafe, and Jae had gotten blackout drunk. He apparently fought with some guy after kissing his girl."

If possible, Jae's face gets even redder.

"I have an -uh- thing to attend." He chuckles nervously ad excuses himself.

I wonder how he's able to switch up like that.

"How was the car ride with Mr Scowl?" She asks, tightening her grip on the bottle of wine before popping it open. She pours enough for each of us.

"It wasn't that bad." I muse, looking back. Taehyung is still engrossed in conversation. He glances at me for a second or two before returning his attention to his partner. "The thing I told you about happened again, but this time he walked in."

"So? Did he do what I said he would?"

I roll my eyes. "Yes, he did. But that doesn't necessarily mean anything."

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