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chapter eighteen: i hate you

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chapter eighteen: i hate you

TW: self-harm and ptsd

AFTER VISITING A mall I found quite close to home to buy beach-visit-worthy essentials, including my swimwear, I trudge from the car to the house, slamming the front door shut and catching my breath.

It was a long, treacherous journey I embarked on today, all because I decided to invite Yoongi to come along. Mainly as some sort of thanks for letting me disrespect him like that yesterday by appearing at his home out of nowhere. He took longer than me when it came to looking for outfits, but he blamed it on the fact that money is time and it was his money.

Thinking I'd be able to catch some extra sleep after waking up so damn early to do the last-minute shopping, I am proven wrong almost instantly by the presence of a very excited Yuna in my room the very minute I hit the pillows.

"It's bad enough that you're in my house. What the hell are you doing in my bedroom, especially after not even knocking?"

"I came to check on you, Aera. A friend of Taehyung's is a friend of mine." She smiles.

"Friend? Would you like me to remind you of your place right now?"

"No need." She responds.

I fake a smile."Don't you think it's a bit early? It's only just ten, and the beach trip is at two."

"Of course not!" She chortles. "The earlier the better. It's going to be way too packed if we get there too late."

"And if you aren't too busy, help me pick out a good bikini."

Instead of waiting for a voluntary answer -which still would've been 'no' either way-, she dashes out of my room and returns seconds later with three bikini sets in hand.

This is so unrealistic. So, so unrealistic. I literally know of no one who would even bother agreeing to this. Yeri was right- I need to fix my boundary-setting problem.

What kind of girl shares a man?

I know it's bad enough that we're not in love, but this is an embarrassment, self-sabotage and self-hatred in one.

I judge each one from the comfort of the spot on my bed, but as she clips the strap of the last one, I don't expect the words she suddenly comes out with.

"So, Yoongi, huh?"

"Excuse me?" I sit up, making direct eye contact with her. How on Earth does she know Yoongi, of all people? Is someone so vain knowing someone with an actual soul? Unbelievable.

"It's just, I've seen you guys together ever since you hired him."

"Excuse me?" I repeat. "I'm not your pal, Yuna. I demand respect as soon as you step foot into my household."

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