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chapter five: this is number four, right?

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chapter five: this is number four, right?

SIGHING DUE TO exhaustion from driving, stopping at gas stations, screaming my lungs out during karaoke and having to pee every five flipping minutes, I take the key out of the slot. I've finally reached my new home. I step out, stretching and yawning with an ugly face to match.

The condo came along with a designated parking spot, as expected. I make note of it mainly because it surprises me how there was a BMW parked in the third spot for 'Number Four'.

Shaking my head, I fish out the door key and walk towards the building. It stands tall, and spacious both in width and height, making it preferable if not more. I guess my parents deserve kudos for that.

Pushing the key into the hole, I turn it once. Then, I jiggle it, pushing the handle down at the same time. That's when I realise it is locked from the inside.

Strange. Taehyung told me he wasn't home yet. And even if he is, he probably wouldn't lock it from the inside. It doesn't make sense, especially if he knows that I'll be here.

After two light knocks on the door, I hear footsteps and it soon swings open.

"Hey. This is number four, right?" I ask, just to make sure, as the person who has answered the door isn't someone I've seen before or someone who belongs here, especially since I don't recall asking for anyone.

She's slim, with side-parted, blonde hair in a sleek bob, emerald green eyes and small lips.

She self-consciously pulls her sweater dress down to cover her exposed legs.

"Yes. Who are you?" She squints, scanning me first before meeting my eyes again. She frowns a little, perfectly groomed brows furrowing without a single wrinkle appearing on her forehead.

"I'm meant to be moving here. Do you know anyone named 'Kim Taehyung'?"

"Taehyung? Oh, you must be the girl he was talking about. Come in." She says, stepping aside to let me in.

A man is seated on the couch, one foot tucked under him and another resting on the chair.

I recognise that fat head. In fact, I'd have recognised it if I were blind.

"Jae?" I ask.

Thankfully, and as expected, his head turns toward the source of the noise.

"Who speaks of my name?" He responds. Then, he finally decides to actually turn around fully. "Aera?! It's been so long." He stands up from the couch and walks up to me, hugging me tightly.

"I heard what happened. Are you okay?"

"Trying," I responded and he smiled slightly.

He's talking about Mark. He obviously only knows that he's dead, however, and not that I murdered him. I'm sure he wouldn't even be here if he knew it was me.

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