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chapter forty-one: the even-worse news

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chapter forty-one: the even-worse news

IT'S BEEN ABOUT a month or two since the day I gave birth to Haneul. He got better not too long after the resus, thank God. I'm grateful especially for Hoseok who remained by my side the entire time, even going as far as to sleep over in my hospital room and help me get things I needed.

Today is the day I'm finally able to bring my baby home. Days of tears, anger and pain- all worth it up to this point, this very moment.

As Hoseok carefully lays the sleeping boy into the car seat, tears of relief line my bottom lids. He's absolutely beautiful.

Though his eyes are closed, I have a feeling that they are his most beautiful characteristic.

I'm just happy to finally have him in my arms, this time to take home. Hoseok must be too because I've caught him staring or wiping away a tear or two almost all day.

The house welcomes us both warmly, which I find weird since we didn't actually keep the heating on the last time we left. I reach for the light switch and immediately, I hear a loud,


Sitting on the couches in the open lounge is all the people we invited to my birthday party. I turn behind me to see Hoseok with a wide grin on his face which lets me know he was in on this too.

I playfully slap him on the shoulder as he carries the car seat to the table and sits with the rest of the others. Behind them, on the bannister, is a large, white sash with the words 'WELCOME HOME' painted on it. It has little babies painted on it too, with little blue outfits.

Leah walks toward me with a party hat on and a large smile. In her hands, she holds a large cake with baby blue fondant coating it and a tiny, fondant baby suckling on a bottle placed smack bang on the centre.

"Thank you," I say. "Thank you so much."

She hugs me and places the cake on the glass table behind me, right next to the car seat. I realise then that Haneul is in the arms of Hoseok. A group of people are gushing over him and surrounding Hoseok in a circle. It makes me worried, and I'm starting to think of the worst when an unexpected person blocks my vision.

Silk-like, obsidian hair styles neatly in a gelled undercut, eyes as dark as night and a picture-perfect smile on his face materialise Dong Sicheng, a client of mine.

"Mr Dong-"

"Call me Sicheng, Aera. We've gone over this before. Or would you prefer it if I called you Miss Kang?" He asks, subtly glancing at the empty ring finger on my left hand.

"No, thanks," I cringe. "I do apologise. What brings you here?"

"You just gave birth. Shouldn't I be here to celebrate the such good news with you?"

"You're my boss-"

"Client." He calmly corrects.

I clear my throat with slight irritation after realising this habit of his. "Client. No other client is here to celebrate with me and I was pregnant when I met with them. You must know this too, so why are you really here?"

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