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chapter nineteen: his girl

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chapter nineteen: his girl

AS SOON AS the weekend passed, it was straight back to work for me.

Not Taehyung though. I'm not sure why, but it might just be because he has to take care of Yuna.

I sigh, tapping my nails on the desk table as I think of a kind way to reject a client who wouldn't get off my back about his attacker 'being wrong'. If I had 1000 won for each time I've had to explain, thoroughly, to a client that it's not about who's 'wrong' or 'right' but where the evidence points to and what you can prove in court, I'd be even more stinking rich right now, absolutely rolling in money.

It's surprising you how many celebrities people praise these days that find logic 'incoherent wording North Korea put together'. Absolute nonsense.

On the brighter side, Taehyung did pretty well with the renovations. Until now, I haven't sat in my office to physically do work for three months.

While he's promised to never do anything like that without my permission again, I can't say I hate it. It's definitely Yoongi's touch, because of how gracious it is. The walls are off-white but maintain perfect neutrality, even with the gigantic picture of my parents, a.k.a my sponsors, on the wall.

There are big, leather couches surrounding the marble coffee table where a tray of tea items and a remote control for the flat screen mounted on the wall sits.

But then, I notice his signature. He'd written a note on the said coffee table as a joke to remind me that he did this and was paid well. It says 'YG'.

No wonder Yuna knows him. She was indeed his muse at some point.

Does that mean all the things he said to me were said to her at some point?

A sense of dread brushes my chest over as my heart sinks a little. By this point, I can internally admit I have some sort of 'feelings' for Yoongi. I don't know why or how, but with Yuna in the picture, it might deplete my chances of potentially winning him over.

'What kind of life am I living?' I ask myself, resting my head on the table.

Just as my eyes begin to close a little, my receptionist knocks on the door.

"What is it?" I ask, head still on the table. "It better be important."

"You have a visitor."

I raise my head this time, and speak of the devil, Yoongi is at the door.

"You can go." I dismiss. "And please shut both doors behind you. This requires elaborate privacy."

He walks forward after my receptionist left and with a small smile on his face as he boldly makes the decision to sit on the edge of my table, picking up a random document.

I clear my throat and try to act as if he isn't the bane of my very existence. "What brings you to my office, Yoongi? I'm a very busy lady."

"Oh, I know." He purrs. He doesn't make eye contact but instead continues to focus on the paper he'd picked up. "I was just wondering if you wouldn't mind leaving this place just for me."

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