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-Do you know that guy?

That was how Kai had decided to break the tension between us on our way home. We had been walking in silence for a few minutes, during which I had found myself stealing glances at him, waiting for him to tell me anything about the girl he had just ignored me for.

-No. Who was that girl?

-Are you lying to me?

He didn't even look at me while answering, which only made me angrier.

-Are you being serious right now? Why would I lie to you? Why aren't you telling me anything about her?

He paused for a second and I could see a pang of guilt in his eyes.

-I'm sorry. She's Nichole, a friend I used to go to school with. I hadn't seen her ever since, so I was startled and didn't act properly. I should have introduced her to you.

-It's okay. She was very pretty.

-You're way prettier than her.

He said before softly brushing his lips against mine. I knew it was wrong of me to feel good about him comparing me to other women, but I couldn't help it. It was just what I needed to hear right now.

-Can I take you out to dinner on Tuesday night? I have a surprise for you.

Something told me that that would be the day he would finally ask me out officially. I could already start feeling my heart pumping with anticipation.

-I'd love to.

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Sarah had always been skeptical about Kai. Her reasoning was that we had been seeing each other for a few months and him not asking me out meant that he didn't want to miss out on any other options. I always told her that if she ever got to know him like I did, that thought wouldn't even cross her mind. Maybe this could be the turning point for her.


-Where do you want to go? I heard there's this new club that-

-Sarah, I know what you're doing. It's okay.

-What are you talking about?

She frowned.

-You always go to that club. I'm not traumatized or anything, I actually liked it.

-Are you sure?

I was being honest. I didn't want to let a man stop me from going to a place I enjoyed. A man who was now hospitalized, for that matter. Plus, I still had to thank that guy for helping me last time.

Once again, we skipped the long line thanks to Oliver. Today was his free day and he had decided to join us. I had to hold back my nervous laughter once I noticed the way he would look at Sarah whenever she was talking, or even the glances he stole at her, probably thinking neither of us would notice.

But I did. And it was really cute.

I had also noticed last time, but I think my mind had forgotten about it with everything that had happened. Did Sarah notice too? She would've told me. She had always been a little slow when it came to men, like when we were in 8th grade and she got a letter on Valentine's Day from this kid who obviously had a crush on her and she thought I was the one who had sent it so that she wouldn't feel bad.

I took the opportunity to sneak into the crowd when I realized that they were engrossed in a conversation that I was no longer a part of. I had one mission tonight: to find the guy with the purple mullet again.

I squeezed myself in between all the sweaty bodies on the dancefloor. My mind started to betray me when I realized I was, once again, alone and exposed to all the possible prying eyes around me. I purposely ignored the guys who tried to make eye contact with me on the way, trying to ease my anxiety. I probably should have told Sarah about what I was doing, but I thought she would get all excited about me and the guy she liked making any type of contact and it would be too consuming to try and persuade her from that thought.

I checked every corner of the dancefloor and even took a look at the balcony, but there was no trace of him. Defeated, I convinced myself that maybe it was fate and I just wasn't supposed to meet him again. I also realized that it probably wasn't that big of a deal and what he had done was just what anyone should have done. There was no need for me to thank him for being a decent human being.

Going back to where I had left Oliver and Sarah, I found them in the same position. The only difference was that now there was a pile of shot glasses stacked in front of them. I took the seat next to them expecting them to ask me where I had been, but it seemed that they had been too immersed in their conversation (or maybe too drunk) to notice my absence.

I quickly joined them after a few shots, my vision starting to become blurry. Sarah suggested that we went dancing. After what seemed like a long time, my head started to feel like it was going to explode.

-I need to go to the bathroom real quick.

-You want me to go with you?

Sarah gave me a concerned look.

-No, I'll be back in a minute.

I made a beeline for the restroom and locked myself in one of the stalls, attempting to block the loud music. This seemed like a reminder that although I had gotten fairly confident about not being hungover last time, I still needed to take things slowly with alcohol.

When I started to feel better a few minutes later, I left the restroom. I was checking my phone in case Kai had messaged me when I bumped into someone.

-I'm sorr-

I stopped in my tracks when I looked up and my eyes met his. The purple-haired man's annoyed gaze softened in a matter of seconds. Everything was so sudden that, for a moment, I struggled to find the words.

-Hey! Do you remember me?

-How could I not?

I could feel a knot forming in my stomach. His confident smirk and his sad eyes pierced onto mine made me look away.

-I... I wanted to thank you for the other night. I looked for you afterwards, but I couldn't find you.

-You don't need to thank me for that. It's the least I could do.

I opened my mouth to answer when my phone started ringing. I was about to press decline when I caught Sarah's name on the screen.

I excused myself before answering.

-Are you okay? You were taking too long so I came to the bathroom but you're not here.

-Yeah, I'm okay. Don't worry.

-I'm not feeling too well, though... And I think I lost Oliver. Can you come back to where you left us?

I took a quick glance at the guy in front of me, who had spent the entire phone call observing me.

-Sure, I'll be right there.

I hung up.

-Sorry, I have to leave.

-Sure. I'm glad I got to see you again.

I wasn't sure how to respond to that, so I gave him an awkward smile before quickly turning around.

-If you ever need anything else, I'll be here.

His words made the knot in my stomach grow bigger.

-Thank you.

I replied before going back to my friend.

Make Me Forget (Haitani Brothers x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now