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A backless champagne dress fell to my knees when I left the house. I had carefully put my hair in a bun, with the two front strands framing my face. I tried not to stumble on my black stilettos on my way to Kai, who was waiting for me in front of my building, scrolling through his phone. His eyes lit up when he saw me.

-Wow. You look stunning.

He complimented me before pecking me on the cheek.

-Well, I had to match the occasion.

He led me to his car. On the way, I took a step back to take a better look at his outfit: he was wearing a simple black suit that complimented his body. It was my first time seeing him in a suit and he looked more handsome than ever.

I spent the whole ride trying to find out where he was taking me, but he didn't want to spoil it. When we arrived, my jaw almost hit the floor. We were in front of an infamous 2-star Michelin restaurant. Never in my life had I gone fine dining before.

-Are you kidding me?

I let out in shock. I had heard that this restaurant had a months-long waiting list. And moreover, how had he even been able to afford this?

-Let's go.

He smiled at me before taking my hand and leading me to the entrance.

After confirming our reservation, the maître d' assigned us a table. I was busy admiring the place when Kai placed his hand over mine.

-I can't get over how pretty you look tonight.

I nervously smiled at his praise before the waiter came and poured our wine.

We were taking a look at the menu when Kai's phone started ringing. He looked at the screen and excused himself.

-I'll be right back.

After a few minutes of me feeling just like when I was young and my mom left me alone in line at the supermarket, he came back in a hurry and grabbed his jacket with a worried expression.

-I'm so sorry, Y/N. I promise I'll make it up to you.

-What's wrong?

-Something came up with my family. I have to leave. I'm really sorry.

And just like that, he left.

I couldn't believe it. This was supposed to be our big day and now I was left alone in a place I couldn't even afford, filled with anger at the situation and also concern for Kai. What could have happened to make him leave like that? And what was I supposed to do now? I was nervously scrolling through my phone, waiting for him to message me, when I heard a voice addressing me.

-Excuse me, is this seat taken?

Still immersed in all the imaginary scenarios my head was making up, I answered without taking my eyes off my phone.



I snapped back to reality when the man I had spoken to sat down across from me instead of taking the chair to another table. I was about to say something to him when I looked up and recognized a familiar face.


-I didn't think we'd meet again.

He said, smiling softly at me.

-What are you doing here?

-That's what I should be asking. Why are you here all by yourself?

-Well... I guess I sort of got stood up.

-Same here. Would you like to join me, then?

-The thing is... I can't really afford this place.

My voice was barely above a whisper, full of embarrassment.


He leaned closer to me.

-I can't afford this place.

I repeated, now whispering in his ear.

-Don't even think about it. It's on me.

-I can't let you invite me.

-Look, we can go for a drink another day and I'll let you invite me. Deal?

I thought about it for a moment and concluded that it would be rude to leave now, so I took him up on his offer. Once we ordered, I told myself to try to enjoy the experience, but I couldn't get Kai off my mind.

-What do you like to listen to besides Tchaikovsky?

-Well, I think I listen to a little bit of everything.

I felt awkward for a while because I wasn't mentally prepared to dine in a fancy restaurant with a man I barely knew, but Ran quickly made me feel more comfortable with his way of leading the conversation.

-Do you like jazz?

He asked me leaning on the table, his face resting on his hand.

-I do. I listen to a lot of Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Chet Baker...

-That's good to know. You have great taste.

-Thank you.

I gave him a kind smile. Ran looked at me in a way that made me feel like he was actually interested in the things I was sharing with him and not just making conversation. That wasn't something I was used to, but it made it easier to talk to him.

-What do you do for a living?

I asked him after a while, assuming he was in his thirties.

-I guess you could say I'm a businessman. What about you?

-I'm still in college.


-Art History.

The corner of his lip lifted slightly at my revelation.


-It suits you. Do you draw?

-I used to, but I haven't for a long time. I don't even know where my materials are anymore.

-Did it make you happy?

The sudden depth of his question caught me off guard. The truth was that I had stopped drawing when my mom got sick. My last drawings had been of her in the hospital bed and it was painful to see them again.


-That's all that matters. You should get back to it, then.

-Do you have any hobbies?

-I like to play the piano.

I couldn't help looking at his hands. He did actually have piano hands with long, slim fingers.

-It suits you, too.

I smiled at him, half seriously and half teasing him about earlier.

Once we finished dinner he offered to call a taxi for me. I had to accept because I had no other way to get home. When I was already inside, I rolled down the window to say goodbye.

-Can I be honest with you, Y/N?

He asked before I could say anything.


I replied, not knowing what to expect.

-I'm glad they stood us both up.

Just before I could have any coherent thoughts, the taxi started moving and Ran quickly became a tiny speck in the distance. As I turned my head to look back at the road, I noticed how my cheeks had heated up.

Damn, that wine was strong...

Make Me Forget (Haitani Brothers x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now