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Rindou's words kept echoing in my mind during my afternoon classes. I was praying that the teachers wouldn't ask me to participate, given how completely immersed I was in my own thoughts, trying to process everything that had happened today and also browsing through my memories with each of the brothers in an attempt to find clues I might have missed about them being related. Their tattoos, for example. Although I had shared some rather intimate moments with Rindou, I had never seen his naked torso or neck.

Thinking back, I was convinced that I had dodged a bullet the day Ran confessed his real occupation to me, but the person I had ended up with that very night was literally involved in the same business. What were the odds? Was I the stupid one for not noticing? Sure, they looked alike now that I thought about it, but not enough for me to realize they were related without seeing them side by side. Besides, I was drunk every time I ran into Rindou.

When the last lecture finally came to an end, I rushed my way out of the classroom. I couldn't wait to be back home.

But on my way to the bus stop, I heard my name being called.

Sarah was walking toward me with a smile plastered on her face. And I knew exactly what that smile meant.

-You didn't reply to my text. I want the details and I want them now.

-I'm sorry to disappoint you but I didn't sleep with him.

I answered quickly so she wouldn't keep interrogating me. I loved Sarah with all my heart, but sometimes I needed time to process things on my own before sharing them with her.

-You're lying!

-I'm not. We just had dinner and I left. It was really nice, but I wasn't ready yet.

I shrugged.

-Oh, okay. It's also cool that you're taking it slow, considering how things turned out in the past with... the unmentionable.

The last word caused a small chuckle to burst from my lips.

-How did your date go, though? You didn't tell me anything at the end.

-It was perfect. Oliver is amazing.

Sarah raised her eyebrows as she uttered the last sentence, emphasizing the word "amazing".

-Oh, did you...?

She nodded with a confident smirk.

-And how was it?

-Awesome. I can't stop thinking about him.

She admitted between giggles.

-By the way, the day after tomorrow is his birthday but he has to work, so I want to surprise him. Would you come to the club with me?


After Sarah finished telling me how her date had gone in full detail, I finally made my way to the bus stop and headed home. I was really happy for her and hoped that everything would go well with Oliver, but I still had a lot on my mind.

The next morning, I met Ran at a coffee shop near my apartment.

-I'm sorry about yesterday.

He started, but I quickly put one of my hands over his across the table to reassure him. Almost automatically, he began rubbing my fingers with his thumbs. My heart started pounding like crazy and I then realized how much I longed for physical contact with him, and how nervous he still made me feel, but he didn't seem to notice. Instead of returning my gaze, his eyes were lost somewhere on the table and a soft frown spread across his features.

-Ran, you don't need to apologize on anyone's behalf.

He sighed.

-I was the one who invited you.

-Still, you didn't know how your brother would react.

-I should have considered the option. Rindou's a very nice guy, but sometimes he can get a little... possessive.

This time I was the one frowning.

-Over you?

-Over everything.

A shiver ran down my spine as I remembered Rindou's last words.

"If you really want to be with my brother you should stay out of my sight, 'cause next time I won't be able to control myself".

But what if it really was out of possessiveness over his brother? What if it had nothing to do with me? That thought gave me a twinge of something I couldn't identify. I chose my next words carefully.

-Was he like that with Nichole too?

Ran continued staring at the table for a few seconds before answering.


He sounded defeated, as if I had just shattered the only logical reason he had been able to find for his brother's "hatred" toward me.

Okay, so it was about me. Not Ran.

-Well, maybe he had a bad day. Seriously, don't worry about it.

-It won't happen again.

His tone was firm. It reminded me of the way he had defended me yesterday when he thought I wasn't listening. Before I could give an answer, he changed the subject.

-Are you free tomorrow? I want to take you out.

-I can't tomorrow, I promised my friend I'd go out with her.

-That's okay. We can go another day.

He smiled kindly at me.

-Wait. Why don't you come with us?

Ran's eyes widened for a split second before a small grin appeared on his face.

-Do you want me to?

-Of course. It would also be nice to introduce you to Sarah. She's gonna love you.

My last words were all it took for Ran's small grin to turn into a wide smile.

-I'd love to join you, then.

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