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By the time Rindou opened the door, I was already hiding in the room where he had changed just a few minutes before, which I assumed to be his bedroom.

I wanted to take a look around, but my heart was pounding so fast in my chest that all I could do was keep my ear glued to the door to listen to the brothers' exchange.

-What the fuck was that all about?

Ran started. I was taken aback by the swearing. Hearing him raise his voice was probably also a first, and almost seemed out of character, given how good he seemed to be at keeping his composure normally.

-Nice to see you again too, bro.

Rindou scoffed.

-I'm not in the mood, Rindou. Answer me.

-I told you I had stuff to do. Why don't you come back later?

I crossed my fingers in hopes that Ran would just give up, giving me a chance to leave without risking being seen by him, but my wishes were soon crushed.

-Give me an explanation and I'll leave.

-I don't like her.

-Well, good thing you're not the one who has to like her.

If we were in a different situation and I wasn't hiding in my new love interest's brother's room while listening to their conversation about me, I probably would have laughed at that last bit.

-Besides, you didn't even give her a chance.

Ran continued.

-I didn't need to. Just... what are you doing with a girl like that? Doesn't suit you.

-A girl like what?

-C'mon, you're really gonna act like she's one of the girls you usually date? She clearly lacks elegance, personality and status.

Rindou's words felt like a dagger to my heart. Not only because he sounded like he meant them, but also because deep down I knew he was right and I didn't feel ready to listen to Ran agreeing with him.

-Listen to me. That's the last time you disrespect her like that. I don't give a shit if you don't like her, Rindou, but you better drop that attitude if you want to be on good terms with me. I couldn't care less which of your bullshit requirements Y/N doesn't meet. There is something special about her that maybe you could see if you weren't so fucking self-centered and judgmental all the time.

They were silent for a few seconds after that. I was still having a hard time processing all the feelings this conversation was stirring up inside me, but to hear Ran defending me like that, saying all those things about me... I couldn't believe that's how he really felt about me.

-What about Nichole?

It almost felt like Rindou was trying to hurt me on purpose, though I doubted he knew about the whole thing with Kai.

-What about her? I already told you, Rindou. It's over.

-I liked her.

-Well, then maybe you should go out with her. You could use a date for once.

Ran sighed before continuing.

-Look, I really like Y/N. And I want to be around her for as long as I can, so please, go easy on her. You're my only family and I want her to feel comfortable around you. Could you do that for me?

When silence settled between the brothers, I realized I was smiling at the reassurance Ran had unknowingly given me, but I quickly wiped the smile off my face as I tried to imagine Rindou's expression at his brother's request.

-I told you I'm busy.

Following Rindou's attempted evasion of Ran's demand, I heard footsteps headed in the opposite direction of the room I was in and the sound of the door opening. I assumed it was a silent invitation from Rindou for his brother to leave.


At the lack of response, Ran rephrased his request.

-Promise me you'll try to be closer to her.


Rindou finally relented.

-Okay. Thanks, man.

Finally content with his younger brother's answer, Ran was quick to leave the apartment.

I stayed where I was, unmoving and unable to come out of the room, half because I was afraid Ran wasn't far enough away yet and half because I didn't feel ready to face Rindou again. Not after everything he had just said about me, and not after everything his brother had replied to him. I felt ashamed of what I had been about to do with him.

Random parts of the whole conversation echoed in my mind for a while before Rindou's voice from outside the room brought them all to an end.

-You can come out now.

I fought the urge to ignore him and hide in his room forever before sheepishly opening the door, as if I was afraid of making noise, even though Ran was long gone. I found him sitting on the couch, his legs spread wide and his gaze lost somewhere on the floor.

-Thanks for... covering for me.

I guess.

He acknowledged my appreciation with a simple nod, his eyes still fixated on the same spot.

As if what had just happened wasn't enough for me to feel uncomfortable, Rindou's lack of words or even eye contact made the sharp pain in my chest grow bigger. I started making my way towards the door, ready to get out of this place and finally breathe some fresh air, smoke a cigarette to soothe my nerves... But my feet seemed to stop midway on their own.

I mentally cursed myself for being like this before turning to him again to ask him the question that was otherwise going to haunt my mind for the rest of the day.

-Do you think all of those things about me?

That seemed to get his attention, because his eyes finally settled on mine. He looked at me for what seemed like an eternity, especially given the intensity of his gaze. But there was a difference this time: it didn't seem lustful. And I couldn't decipher what could possibly be going through his mind.

He began to shake his head before responding verbally.


He replied with a soft voice. I thought his answer would put me at ease but the pain in my chest seemed to be growing by the second. Rindou and I stayed blinking at each other, as if we were still communicating without words. I finally brought myself to tear my eyes away from his and head back to the door, hearing him sigh in the process, almost as if he had been holding his breath. When I reached out a hand to grab the door handle, Rindou's voice made me stop in my tracks.

-If you really want to be with my brother you should stay out of my sight, 'cause next time I won't be able to control myself.

I quickly opened the door and walked out of the apartment.

Make Me Forget (Haitani Brothers x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now