That Stupid Wound

966 30 15

tw: blood

"Y/N, wake up!" I heard someone whisper. I groaned.

"Come on Y/N!" They said again.

"I don't want to get up." I said and stuck my head in the pillow.

"Y/N it's almost 12pm.." I raised my head, looked at who it was, it was Tubbo of course, I looked at what time it was, and I went back to sleep again.

"Oh come on Y/N." Tubbo said.

"I'm tired." I said trying to fall asleep.

"You were sleeping the whole day!" Tubbo said sitting on my bed.

"There's nothing wrong with that." I said in a tired voice.

"You leave me no choice.." Tubbo said.

"What-." I was confused at first. He went to the other side of the bed and lifted the mattress. I fell on the floor and the mattress was on me along with the blanket.

"What the fuck?!" I said trying to get up.

"You didn't want to get up." He held out his hand to me.

"Um Y/N?" Tubbo said.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Your arm's bleeding.." He said.

"Oh shit." that stupid wound reopened. How, just how.


first time:
...I bled my hand, but it wasn't terrible, I'll wrap it in a bandage, and it'll be fine.

second time:
...I accidentally hit my hand on the bed and it hurt. I saw that it was the hand I had injured last night. The wound opened and began to bleed.

I went to the bathroom and washed the wound, it stung a little.

"Hey you might need this." Tubbo said giving me a bandage.

"Thanks Tubbo." I smiled.

"Hey, what's going on?" Tommy said as he entered the bathroom.

"Woww Y/N are you okay?!" I could see that we was worried.

"Yeah, I'm okay, don't worry." I smile, he sat on the bathtub.

"You okay dude?" Tubbo asked.

"I'm good, you just scared me." He said. Tubbo took the bandage and wrapped it around my arm. After he finished I went to hug Tommy.

"It's okay Tommy." I said, he hugged me back. He rested his head on mine. Tubbo coughed. Tommy just looked at him, not letting me go.

"What?" Tommy asked.

"We will need some rules.." He said, I giggled, Tommy let go of me. Tubbo took our hand and took us to his room. We both sat on the bed. Tubbo brought a whiteboard.

"I- where did that came from!?" Tommy said, I was confused too.

"Rule number 1!" Tubbo said slapping the board. I jumped.

"Sorry about that Y/N." He said.

"Rule number 1." He continued.

"No kissing or hugging it front of me." Tubbo said. Tommy put his arms around me.

"WHAT DID I JUST SAY?!!" Tubbo yelled. I was laughing on the floor now.

"Fuck this man." Tubbo said. Tommy was laughing too now.

"This is just- oh my god." I said wiping away tears. I was laughing too hard so that made me tear up.

"I'm hungry now, I'm going to eat something." I said leaving Tubbo's room and going to the kitchen. Tommy was going after me.

"Oh and Tubbo." Tommy said.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"You're alone today for hour or 2." Tommy said.

"Why?" He was confused.

"I'm taking Y/N on a date." He smiled.

"Fuck off man!" Tubbo yelled. Tommy laugh.

another kinda long chapter woo :b

if there's any mistake im sorry!!

hope all of you had a wonderful day/afternoon/night and don't forget to drink water and eat! <3

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