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I saw Tommy leave, oh god. I picked up my phone and looked at twitter, Tommy and I were trending. After 5 minutes I saw Tommy coming back.

"What did you do." I asked him raising my eyebrows.

"I just had a little conversation with him." He said looking at me. I looked at my phone. Tubbo was calling me.

"Hi Tubbo, you need something?" I asked.

"When will you be home?" He said.

"Soon, why?" I said.

"I want to end my stream." He said.

"What is that supposed to do with us?" I asked.

"I told chat that I will be streaming until you guys come home.." He said.

"Well we'll be home in like 20 minutes, okay?" I said.

"Okay." He sounded really tired. I ended the call, and continued to eat, soon we finished.

"Who will pay?" I asked.

"I have already paid." Tommy said.

"Why didn't you tell me I could pay half!" I said, he laughed.

"What?" I said giggling.

"You're so cute." He said.

"Stop it." I laughed.

"We're going home now?" He asked.

"Sure." We got up and left. It wasn't that cold outside, and we have only a couple minutes of walking. Tommy took my hand and interlaced our fingers together. I looked down and softly smiled.

"Hey Y/N?" He said.

"Yeah?" I looked at him.

"You know that I really really like you." He said.

"Yeah, I like you a lot too." I smiled.

"Well, um i don't know how to ask you this." I know what he was about to ask me. It was  obvious.

"I will be your girlfriend Tommy." I smiled.

"Wait- how did you know?" Tommy asked.

"It was kinda obvious." I laughed.

"I- seriously?" He asked. I giggled.

"Yes." I start laughing.

"So, we're officially together now." He said smiling at me.

"Gosh you're so cute." I said, he laughed.

"And yeah I think we are if you want." I said.

"Of course I want!" He said, I laughed and we continue to walk home. In a few minutes we arrived and entered the house.

"We're home!" I yelled.

"Come to my room!" Tubbo yelled back.

"Here we go." Tommy said, I laughed. We came to Tubbo's room and he turned around.

"FINALLY!" He groaned.

"BYE CHAT!" He finished streaming as soon as he said that.

"Where's Ivy." Tommy asked.

"She left an hour ago." He said sitting on his bed.

"Where's mom?" I asked.

"She won't be home till 11pm." He said.

"Well I will go to bed soon I'm really tired." I said.

"Me too." Tubbo and Tommy said at the same time. I laughed.

"Night Y/N." Tommy quickly kissed me, I kissed him back.

"Night boys." I smiled and walked away.

hello people! new chapter is out woo
we're growing so fast whaat??!?!! thank you so much!
if there's any mistake im sorry
hope all of you have a wonderful day/afternoon/night and don't forget to drink water and eat!!

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