The Steele's

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I get a call and it wasn't a good one, they positively identified my parents bodies due to new tests they recently performed on unknown remains. It turns out to be Augie and my parents. The samples match perfectly to our parents DNA that was already on file. Today is a bad day for us. We quit working at the post office and started building our publishing company as well as checking in on Andrea and Daniel. We are eating a lot off the installation company. The dealerships are sending more work our way and so are the electronics shops. That way they don't pay installers to sit around and wait to install. They just send them our way. Augie did that and they are taking appointments from six am to ten pm. Elliott has helped us with remodeling the building and whatever we might need done, he is trying to get in Kate's good side after he went out with her and she was accosted by one of his many one night stands.
I finally got Ana to see my point of view after showing her what happened around her building before and after Daniel and Andrea came to work for them. She thanked me for assuring everyone's safety. Even I was frightened by the footage Barney had captured, the people were apprehended and arrested. He said it didn't make the news. They were after Andrea and guess who was behind it all. Louise Rinaldi and her husband Oscar. The problem was that Dana Lewis is considered a missing person at this point. She was supposedly with the Rinaldis. David doesn't know yet and they aren't sure if she is dead or alive. They came armed and ready to kidnap Andrea. Daniel was going to be held as well and they were ready with a ransom note. So she forgave me. I told her that I would like to go out with her again if she would consider it, but she would have to deal with paparazzi and bodyguards.
I forgive him and say yes to going to dinner with him. We spend a little more time talking and not about his spying on us. I tell him the bodies of my parents were recovered finally. We already had to pronounce them dead and had a funeral for them. We found an attorney that helped us become emancipated at 16. We both had been left with a huge estate and already attending college. So we got emancipated and got our college degree before we turned 18. Trouble is no one wants to hire an 18 year old in the publishing field. That surprised Christian and I laugh because he apparently was reading the fake online backgrounds on me and Augie.
I drive Anastasia home and give her my phone numbers and email addresses. I lean in a kiss her cheek goodnight when I really want to kiss her and hold her in my arms. She might dress like she has no money, but I know better now. No one buying buildings like the recent one is poor. I wandered how she was making enough to pay Daniel and Andrea and then hiring extra staff. I did see they had a jump in business coming in and turned the company over to Daniel and Andrea to run. They are making good money and so are their employees. I say good bye to Anastasia, as I turn to go she pulls me into her arms and kisses me for a long time. We both finally come up for air and she smiles and says she always wanted to see how I kissed and now she knows and liked it. I tell her it was very enjoyable for me as well.
I go inside and lock the door and smile as I head to bed.
I think we are going to have a good time at our next dinner. I head to my car and notice the covert hidden in his car not far from the house. I nod to him and head to my car and leave. I start thinking it was odd the person didn't nod back at me. Hmm I call and ask Taylor if the covert for Anastasia already started and he says only mine is around and still close by. I look around and don't see them. I tell Taylor something is wrong then. He tells me to lock the car and stay where I am at. I hear a gunshot and sirens heading towards me. The cops arrive at Anastasia's house and they head inside after seeing her front door open. I head to talk to one of the cops and tell him I had just started to leave when I saw a guy in a car watching us and thought it was one of our covert security and decided to call my head of security regarding him. I was told not to leave and wait for him to arrive when I heard the gunshot. Taylor and two other teams arrive in their cars and confirm what I just told the cop.
I hear an ambulance coming and see it parked right outside and then a coroner's vehicle next to it. The cops are making me stay put on the floor where I dragged myself to just in case my shot didn't hit the mark and if his brother was near by. I suspect he is laying in wait someplace. Augie stayed the night with Barney, she started dating him after they met when he came to put in the security systems. She forgave him for keeping things from her and he asked her to move in with him. So she has been trying it out so I am all alone in the house now. I am taken by ambulance to the hospital, because my head is bleeding from being slammed against the wall. I was lucky to get my gun and get a giddy shot before he killed me. Finding myself underneath him was hard. I had to move him and be aware of anyone else in my house. I had already dialed the cops about a potential break in. My clues were the broken picture frames and a few other things. He grabbed me before I knew what hit me. He dragged me to my bedroom. Luckily my handbag was a cross the should bag and my gun was loaded and inside it. I turned the safety off after seeing the mess when I went into the living room. I have no doubt who it was that attacked me. I can't find my phone to call Augie. His brother must know where Augie is at. I see Christian and tell him to have the cops go to Barney's home and check on them now. That I will explain later. Jose was the one in my home and Juan is probably doing the same thing as Jose did to me. I still have no idea how he got inside. They took my gun into evidence and photographed me and everything else. Like the blood on the wall he kept slamming my head against.
I call Barney and he doesn't answer the call. We tell the cops that there might be another attack going on and I give them the address and he looks grim and says there was a break in at that address as well three were injured and one was killed. I ask where the ones were taken from that address hospital wise. They tell me it is the same as where they are sending miss Steele to. We head to the hospital and check in on Anastasia and I tell them I am her fiancé and her only relative is Augusta Steele and their eyes widen and tell me that her relative us in surgery at this point. They say it was a broken arm that needed repaired. I have Taylor go home and have the other teams stand guard.

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