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I was found guilty in three months. I am going to be spending my life in here. (Little did she know how short her life expectancy was) I have been tripped, beaten and raped by my cellmate. Apparently they found out that I was found guilty of human trafficking. Things aren't kept secret for long in prison. I am keeping my head low, but I don't foresee me living too much longer. They moved my cellmate and brought in a person whose name and face looks familiar to me. Ashley Steele I start recalling who she is, but why is she here?
I wanted this detail, she is not the person in charge of the the human trafficking ring. She just got caught and was left holding the bag. It won't be long before the person above her will start up again in another area. Whoever it is will need to tie up loose ends and Elena is a major loose end and has drawn a lot of attention to herself. We got word that Geoffrey Hall had an accident in the shower and died of his head and other injuries. No witnesses, so there's a lockdown at the mens prison. I have infiltrated and was placed in the room with Elena Lincoln. It's too bad she won't give up her bosses to get her a lighter sentence. The other injuries were in a very private location, which means it was most likely a very personal attack. Whoever it was covered their tracks.
Some finally got rid of Geoffrey for me, had I known where he was being held I could have gotten it done earlier. 
Jose Rodriguez
I watch as Ricky (Richard Lincoln) walks through and I just know he is the one who sent my boys on a suicide mission to get hold of the Steele Twins, he was behind their escape as well. At least in here they were safe, not liked but safe. We know he was behind Geoffrey being killed the way he was. That Oscar guy did it and there is no doubt he is Ricky's bitch boy in here and out of here. He was found guilty of a very heinous crime, human trafficking and not just women, but babies, elderly all sexes. Juan and I want them all gone including Elena Lincoln, her especially we want dead.
I got a message out to our friends in the women's prison. They have it in the works, they just have to create an opening to get her alone. But it won't take long for that to happen. Ricky and the grouch are huddling again, we need to make our move soon. Keep ready just in case they attack first.
I am watching my back, too bad they haven't watched theirs. Geoffrey was a cell favorite. His buddies didn't like that someone killed him. We might not have to do much to Ricky and grouch after all. The whole prison know they were selling humans and babies made them a huge target.
Warden James Connor
I have been advised that there are rumblings about Lincoln and Rinaldi after Geoffrey Hall was found brutally murdered in the shower. They think they are being targeted just like Geoffrey was and it was odd that no one bothered him until Lincoln arrived. He met with an attorney and signed some paperwork that needed a notary. I can't see how he has an excellent attorney when he couldn't afford one to handle his trial. Something is off, very off about him being able to now afford an attorney for personal matters.
Attorney Granger Solomon
I hate this man, but I hate his boss more. I have tried to stop working for them, but they made certain threats that keep me in line. As long as I represent them my family stays safe. This creep has twins he has never met and he wants his estate left to them along with his life insurance policies. He gives me their names and I am dumbfounded. Ronald and Donald Duncan are his children. He was just made aware of it by way of Geoffrey Hall. He wants his estate to be left to them by an anonymous person. They must not know who it is from to keep them safe from those who might kill them because he is their father. I can't tell anyone this information. This could get me out if the employment of all these criminals and my family free of threats. But can I do that to toddlers. The notary has us both sign the papers in front of us and then signs everything and notarized them after we swear and affirm everything us as stated in the documentation. I can't wait to leave, but Lincoln says one last thing to me.
Don't divulge anything about my children people will be watching you and I will know if you tell anyone about my sons. In or out of here my reach can take what you love the most if anything is said about my sons to certain ears. Are we clear?
Very clear. I walk away and know he must have saw what I was thinking about on my face. The warden asks me to join him in his office.
Warden Connor
I have Solomon sit down and question him about his business with Lincoln and he says that he is not allowed to talk about his clients business with anyone otherwise he can be disbarred and that is not happening. I throw out obstruction of justice. He just laughs and says try to make that stick.
I have another appointment to attend to, these documents need handled. I get up and leave before he thinks he can go through my briefcase. They searched it when I entered the place and they weren't allowed to go through the documents.
Something is off, I just got back to the cell after a meeting with the Warden Collins. I don't know what has happened, but the bedding for Elena has been changed and all her things are gone. I get a visitor and am taken out as if I am going to a hearing. I get into the van and they take my cuffs off and we head towards FBI headquarters.
Agent Thomas Andrews
Elena Lincoln died on the operating table after she was found in the shower bleeding out from every opening she has. It was very brutal. The photos we got from the guards made us ill. You didn't get her to open up did you?
No sir not at all.
Agent Andrews
We had to get you out of there because someone found out who you were and you were going to be next.
Meanwhile at the mens prison.
Well look it's the slave and his owner.
I look up and Juan and Jose Rodriguez are standing in front us with a group of ten prisoners all looking like they are going to tear us apart.
Do you really think we are afraid of you and your men? That was the last thing I said after saying to Susan how sorry I was to hurt her so badly. As soon as my head hit the shower floor I knew my life was over and a screaming Oscar finally stopped screaming.

Warden Connor
I just knew we needed to move Lincoln and Rinaldi, but when I tried to get it done the superintendent refuse to allow any change of residence for any prisoners at this time, due to staff cuts. Both Rinaldi and Lincoln were found dead and no one saw anything at all. Of course the Rodriguez family were in the laundry working like good little prisoners should.

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