An Investigation Started

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Donald Wilson
A Detective Randall Scott called me to discuss the situation with the rape of Charles and what was found and what was hidden. Apparently this school seemed to be a place where they sent unmanageable boys. It might seem a good choice but behind the scenes there was a prison type network. Each class how their groups and leaders of those groups. They chose those who will be ostracized and punished before the end of their first year. We found this out from previous victims of these groups. Charles wasn't their first victim and wouldn't be their last if they didn't put a stop to this here and now.
Detective Scott
We finally get Charles to give up the ten guys, but he said that they told him it was his good so called friend young mr Goodman that gave the orders to harm him in such a inhumane manner. I know this kids history and he was holding back certain details of the attack on him at the school. I started looking into this and found there had been a lot of things going on with this school. It should be closed down and the director should be in prison along with a big portion of the graduates and students. Goodman wasn't the only one harming people and ordering someone to harm others. The first thing we will be doing is bringing people in for questioning. I am going to start with the weakest links and go from there. We now have more than ten potential witnesses and victims to the violence going on behind the scenes that the director knew about and took no action to stop it. From his actions it seems as though he made sure certain kids bad behaviors were made common knowledge at the school and they were punished for their bad behaviors in kind. I was sick to stomach by the time I was done interviewing the victims. We made various arrests and the school was closed down finally after six months of thorough investigations. We found leaders of the community that were still pulling strings at the school and they were still doing things that can put them behind bars for a lot of time. We made quite a few arrests and trials were in the making. This military school wasn't cheap and expectations of their children being safe going there was a presumption that any parent would expect even at a military school. So the school was closed after arrests were made. So provisions were made to allow the parents to make arrangements to change schools, especially the ones who were ordered to attend this school, which opened another set of problems. Looking into who was specifically ordered to send their child to attend that specific school. We found their orders to be suspicious and had to investigate them as well. At least three were innocent of any wrongdoing in this regard.
Mary Wilson
There were so many people involved in this it is bewildering how the school was still open. At this point they are allowing them to finish this school year. My son will be treated for both physical and mental trauma. We are demanding justice ironically for rape. Somehow I feel very horrible about this situation. Charles was raised better than that, his raping Caren and getting away with it for the most part was awful and it always will be a reminder of what he is capable of. He definitely knows how it feels now but he was hurt much worse. Plus we aren't allowed anywhere near our grandchildren because of how they came into existence. I tried to reach out to the Diamond family but they refused my calls. Charles was found out by his trying to extort the couple he thought had his children. They weren't born yet, but the Grey family didn't stop at getting the cops involved they tried to get justice for Caren as well. They got their attorney's involved and we were given restraining orders preventing us from any contact with miss Diamond and her children or any of her family and we got restraining orders keeping us away from any of the Grey families as well. It is a good thing we don't have children going to a school with them, otherwise we would have to move them as well. We don't have any more children and we might have been too controlling of Charles after we lost two children to cancer we were overprotective of him. No one can replace the children we lost to cancer and we screwed up with Charles. I hope he gets the help he needs to change his bad behaviors.
Six months later
I am sitting in prison after all hell broke loose after classes were dismissed for good. The cops arrived in full force and started arresting my gang and then me. They took the director out as well, I found out that victims of my tyranny and brutality were coming forward and now I am in a lot of trouble the judge is not one of the men who came from the school. I will be spending most of my life behind bars now. Taking a plea deal was out of the question after hearing the rats escaping a sinking ship. The director gave us all up even though he knew all about it for all these years. He turned in graduates from years ago as well. The school is now closed for good, having a diploma from there is not a good thing any more. Instead of making men out of it made most of us criminals. The groups we have in there mean nothing at all when you go before a judge and jury. All turned against each other in the end when we were supposedly working to be a team. I guess my leadership was a façade. My parents visit me, but tell me that I need to take the consequences of my actions. They are disappointed in me, but love me anyway. The sad thing is is that they sent me there because I was doing drugs and they could stop me and I ran away from rehab within 24 hours. Unfortunately they chose the wrong place to send me to.

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