The Found Baby

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I am walking through my building and had to go to the restroom and ducked into the one just off the security office. It is where they allow public use by interviewees. I start hearing something odd, I check around and a baby is laying on paper towels inside the stall. I call Taylor and tell him to find out who might have left the baby here. We call for an ambulance as Taylor brings back a box with blankets in it from the security office.
Mr Grey gives me a strange look as I bring in a box with blankets in it. But I also have a first aid kit to attend to the baby. I clean the baby up with the warm study water I also tie the umbilical cord in a knot and then wipe it down and place a bandage over it. He finally wraps the baby up after he places a diaper on it. Mr Grey looks at me like where did all these things come from. He forgets he has childcare in the building and we make sure we have access to things in the security area just in case we get into jams similar to this. So far this is the second one left here. Mr Grey finding this baby boy was all in the timing. I notice a note laying in the stall and put gloves on and place it in a plastic bag.
I tell Taylor to ride with the baby to the hospital and Reynolds will drive me there and pick him up. Security can't seem to find out who left the baby in the bathroom. The cops are asking us questions and they need to see the video footage. Whoever it was took great care not to leave a huge mess in the bathroom. They searched the trash and it had a new bag inside it. Taylor bagged the towels up in a plastic baggie as well. He definitely thinks ahead of the game. I ask if my wife and I could possibly adopt the baby boy and they aren't sure. I have no idea why I am thinking like this. I call Anastasia and ask her to come to the hospital and then ask dad if he can get a good family attorney to help me out in this situation.
I can't believe that someone was so desperate they left their baby in the bathroom at GEH a new born baby at that.
Sir something you might be aware of is that the note they found was written to you specifically. It asked that you and Mrs Grey take good care of their baby. The fingerprints aren't in the system and the cops have no idea who left the baby. The DNA testing came back and even if they find the mother of the baby the boy will never be given to her.
Jane Doe
I couldn't go on and I knew my time was coming to an end, but I wanted a good family for my baby. I see GEH and recall that Christian Grey and his wife have been married a long time and both are philanthropist and childless. I grab the trash bags and go inside the building and as to use the restroom and they point in the direction. I have the note written out leaving my baby to mr and Mrs Christian Grey. The labor was fast and I make sure to clean up the area and leave the baby in paper towels on the floor I clamp the umbilical cord and place the baby on the towels and make none of my blood is left, I leave him in the stall along with the note. I make sure that I am not dripping blood before I leave the building. This cancer has taken its toll on me. My husband died three months ago and we have no one left. I find my favorite spot in the nearby park and watch the water. It won't be long now as I feel my last breath leave my body.
Policeman Adams
I noticed a young woman sitting still without moving for a long time. I go check on her and find her not breathing and blood on her tennis shoes. She is cold, so she is dead at this point. I call for help and the coroner arrives to pick her body up. We found a trash back with bloody towels inside it near her. Cathy Douglas is on her ID in her purse. We run a background check on her and it comes up she is a widow with no family. I ask if she has anyone that can see that she gets a burial and they shake their head no. I ask if they can allow me to help get her buried when they release the body.
Coroner Shaffer
I came up with more information on Mrs Douglas, she just gave birth to a baby, no one knows where the baby is, but we found out she was dying of cancer her husband died of an aneurysm three months ago. The birth of the baby took her life. I tell policeman Adams that there is a baby out there and he thinks the newborn baby was found already. He is following it up though and needs Mrs Douglas DNA to compare it to the baby's.
Christian has no doubt started trying to adopt the baby boy and wants my signature and I give it to him. We have been trying to get pregnant and it's not working yet. Plus the mother of the baby left a note asking that Christian and I adopt her child. I think Christian and I are just so busy and stressed we really haven't relaxed. The doctors say we are fine and nothing is wrong with us at all. We just haven't gotten pregnant yet. Attorney Davis started all the paperwork to get us started on adopting the foundling.
Attorney Davis
We start adoption process has been started and we finally found out who the parents were and he is an orphan. No family left. This will make it a lot easier. They will need to go through the whole process to adopt.

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