💙Kaeya x Reader💙 // Such a dork💢

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-Again, no gender specified.
-This was mostly made for a friend who started playing not a while ago, and of course, she's a Kaeya simp and she'll die being one.
-I wouldn't consider this a fluff.
-Kaeya flirting more than talking.
-Some cussing.



I was mad, really mad, and walking across Mondstat still really mad, I surely looked like a psycho.

I was heading to the Knights, wanting to see a certain someone, my hair was a mess, I had eye bags of the size of my hand, and my face wasn't the best at the moment.

"You stupid dumbass!" I screamed as I got to Kaeya, and slammed my hand on the table.

"Hey hey hey! I haven't even started making you flustered and you are already insulting me?" He said in his cocky tone.

"Were you the one who spread this rumors?!" I asked, anger in my voice, and threw a bunch of papers at him.

He took them confused, and started reading, I watched as his eyes widened each word he read.

"What?" He said in confusion.

"What?! That's your answer?! Well now because of that my life is like hell!" I screamed at him and got closer.

"Because of some rumors that say we are dating?" The blue haired male asked, he looked so confused I realized it couldn't of have been him.

"It wasn't you, was it?" I said, calming down.

"Well of course it wasn't me! Why would I spread such rumors? The fact I want them to come true doesn't mean I was the one who spread them in the first place" He flirted.

"My life is a misey right now! There were loads of people outside my house screaming at me and wanting to ask me questions! AND IT WAS 5 AM" I said, anger flowing in my veins.

"Well, I don't think it can be that bad, but I can always stay with you if it makes you feel better" Kaeya suggested.

"Yes please" I cried out, I surely was tired, I slept like 2 hours.

"Oh, come here" He said as he opened his arms, and I hugged him. "You know? Maybe those rumors are not that bad, I mean, we could start dating if you wanted to" He kept on flirting.

"Not now, dork"

"What about later?" He patted my head, and smirked.

"Shut uuuuup!" I screamed, and burried my head on his chest even further.

I woke up in a couch, "How did I get here?"
I asked myself, I looked around, and saw Kaeya sleeping peacefully right besides me, it seemed like I fell asleep on his arms, and he just put me in the couch.

"What hour is it?" I thought, looking at the clock, it was 13:03PM.

"ALREADY?!" I screamed out, I had to go shopping that day, and I didn't know at what hour shops closed as it was Saturday.

"KAEYA, WAKE UP!" I shook him aggresively until he opened his eyes.

"What?" He asked in a sleepy tone.

"We have to go shopping!" I screamed out.

"But isn't it like 1PM? Shops close at 2PM today, it's no use." The blue haired complained.

"We still have an hour, wake up or I'll make you" I said angrily "You said you would stay with me, so you are staying with me" I kept on shaking him.

"Fine, fine, jeez" He got up, and tied up his hair quickly, he then ran his fingers across mines, styling it up a little.

I then got up, and grabbed him by the hand.

We got to the goods shop, I was going to buy some meat and ingredients in general, everything I heard were whispers about me and Kaeya, but he looked completely calm.

I started to get kind of uncomfortable though, I hated hearing people say things about me and such, it was getting really annoying, and I could do nothing about it.

Kaeya noticed how uncomfortable I was getting with the whole situation, and turned around to the people that was staring at us.

"Don't you have business to attend to? Or you're simply not happy enough with your lifes and you have to live someone's else." He speaked up in a cold, angry tone.

Everyone walked away or stopped looking, and I thanked him.

"No problem sweetheart" He patted my head.

We then started to head to my house, it was already time to have lunch, and I didn't even have breakfast.

I could still feel every single person staring at us as we walked, I couldn't believe everything started with a stupid rumor someone spread.

Kaeya sighed, and stopped walking all of the sudden, he then looked around, making eye contact with the people.

"You know what? I'm tired of this, here you have your stupid rumor" He then grabbed my arm and pulled me closer, I watched in awe, not knowing what to do or how to react.

He then looked at me, and we made eye contact for one second or two, after that, he kissed me passionately.

Everyone stared amazed by the situation, and most of them walked away, meanwhile others angrily complained, yes, most of the Mondstat people were in love with Kaeya.

When we parted away, I was a blushing mess, I didn't know what to do anymore, so I just stayed there, completely frozen.

"Y-You dork!"

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