❤Hu Tao x Reader❤ // My special place💝✨

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I'm alive. And this was an actual request 🤠

I hope you all enjoy and... I don't know, thank you for 3k reads and I'll try to remember this book more often 😭

-No gender specified
-Fluff (?)
-Hu Tao being a nervous innocent baby


~Y/N's POV~

I was walking around Liyue, I just finished grocery shopping and was about to go home, when I heard someone screaming my name...

"Y/N!! Y/N!!"

I turned around to see Hu Tao, who was running towards me as she held her arm up as if she was trying to reach me meanwhile calling for me.

"Y/N!" She said once more as she crouched down, panting and catching her breath.
"Sorry for screaming like this and all, but I've been looking for you for a whole entire day! Glad I saw you here, hehe!" The girl laughed out as she smiled warmly at me.

"I've been out since morning, getting stuff done, it's been a busy day for me" I said as I turned to face her completely, making eye contact.

"I see... Anyways! What I wanted to say! Umm... So, I wanted to tell you something"
She spoke up, looking around nervously.

"And that is...?" I asked, curious about what the brown headed girl was about to say to me.

"Today I'm pretty free, and I wanted to ask you if you'd maybe... Want to hang out with me? Only the two of us? Like... A date?" Hu Tao asked as she looked down, nervous and embarrassed at the same time.

"A date?" I said in surprise.

"Yeah, if you want to of course!" Yelped the girl.

"Of course, I mean, I'm free now, I did all my stuff in the morning" I answered.

"That's great! I'll see you at the cemetery" Said Hu Tao.

"At the cemetery?" I asked confused.

"Yeah! I'll be there waiting for you." Clarified the girl.

"Ok then... I'll see you in an hour, bye!" I then walked away towards my house to get ready, I decided not to go very formal, as I was pretty sure Hu Tao wouldn't even change clothing.

As I walked towards the cementery, I started to think; Hu Tao... Wonder why she wanted to meet up in such a cold place though, a cementery is a pretty weird place for a first date, me and Hu Tao had known each other for a really long time, and I already knew she liked this kind of places, but couldn't she change that a bit to keep it a little romantic?

As soon as I stepped in the dark and quiet place, everything suddenly lit up in a warm and beautiful way, it looked as if fire spread around the place, I kept on going deeper into the cementery, looking for the brown headed girl I came there for.

I got to the end of the place, Hu Tao was no where to be found... But it couldn't be, I was convinced she was the one who made the cementery lit up when I stepped in...

I suddenly gasped as I noticed a path going past the cementery's rock fence, it was shining with that same fire color just like when I arrived to the quiet place; I decided to follow the path, and then, suddenly found a beautiful place.

It was a beautiful clear in the woods, with a beautiful river, a table and some seats made out of stone.

"You came!" Hu Tao suddenly appeared out of nowhere and jumped at me in disbelief.

"Yes, like you told me" I answered as I smiled widely at her.

"You like this place? I tried lighting it up with help from my vision and my trust worthy companion! Boo Tao!" Exclaimed the girl as she grabbed the ghost that was usually seen by her side.

"Haha! Well it surely looks beautiful" I laughed out.

"I know right?" She then stopped for a minute. "Hold on... Come here!"

I followed her near the river and she took of her shoes, socks and jacket to then jump in the water, splashing me.

"Hey, you! This was my good shirt!" I exclaimed as I took it off as well as mi shoes, jumping in the river next to Hu Tao.

She laughed out as I peaked my head out from the water.

"I'll get you!" As she said this, she started chasing me in the water with her hands shaped in claws.

We played and laughed for more than a whole hour, we were having so much fun that time was going by fast.

"Ah... That was so fun" Said Hu Tao as she smiled at me.

"Yes, it surely was"

We were sitting down by the river now, we got very tired after running around for so long.

"You know? I always come here and play with Boo Tao, I never thought I'd show this place to anyone else.." As she said this, the browned haired girl looked into the night sky full of stars. "This is like... My special place!"

"Why did you let me come here though?" I asked in curiosity.

"Because you are special" She answered quick and proudly.

"I am?" As soon as I said this, Hu Tao turned to me and grabbed me by my shoulders.

"Yes, you are! You have always been, the thing is that I was the first one to notice" She assured.

"And why did you notice?" I kept on asking, she smiled and giggled slightly.

"Because I love you!" Hu Tao said this with confidence, and then stood up and started to put on her clothes again as if nothing just happened.

"You... What?" I was confused, she said it like nothing.

"Come on! Let's eat something now! I got hungry after playing for so long" She grabbed me by my arm and pulled me up.

"Oh- alright..." I got up and put my clothes on as well.

Hu Tao walked towards some flowers that were at the other side from the river and crouched down to them, taking some in hand.

I smiled and blushed softly at the sight of it, she looked adorable.

"I'll get them for you (Y/N)!" She exlaimed with joy as her eyes met mines.

"Thank you, Hu Tao" I said to myself as I smiled.

"I love you too."

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