💙Xingqiu x Reader💙 // Happy valentines💝!

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-Here you have a Valentines special (≡^∇^≡)

-No gender specified

-Xingqiu is so cute😭🙏

-Thanks for the support, I'm glad so many people like my little stories, I'm grateful to all of you (*>∇<)ノ!


~Y/N's POV~

Once again, it was that time of the year, where every single couple would... You know... Make couple things? Anyways, I had to witness every single year how all of my friends received cute gifts on valentines day, right in front of me, meanwhile I was all alone, hating every single thing of this festivity.

"Guess what! My boyfriend just gave me this chocolate box! Oh, and he loved those flowers you helped me with! Thanks" My best friend said, she was really excited, I just smiled awkwardly and patted her shoulder.

"So? What about you? Did anyone give you something?" She suddenly asked.

"Huh-? No... Well, just like every other year" I laughed.

"Oh... C'mon! Why don't you give that boy you liked something? Maybe he likes you back, you said you were good friends after all!" My friend continued, she surely was talking about that blue haired guy...

"You mean Xingqiu?" I blushed hardly at the thought of it. "N-No! He would never- ugh... He would never like me back" I said, looking onto the ground.

"What do you mean?! I've seen how he looks at you" She grabbed my shoulders.

"Yes, he gives me that 'good friend' look" I continued.

"You will never know if you don't try, dumbass, anyways, I have to go, I have to get ready for tonight... Anyways, good luck, and trust me! He surely likes you back, let me assure you that!" She then kissed my forehead (In a friendly/comforting way) and waved goodbye.

I waved back, and turned around, thinking about what I should do, my friend wasn't wrong, I mean, I will never know if I don't try, will I? No, I shouldn't... I don't even know what I could buy him! Unless...

-Some time later-

"You want to buy Xingqiu a gift?" Chongyun asked, confused.

"Yeah..." I answered shily, playing with my fingers.

"Well, well, seems like someone found love" He continued, biting onto his popsicle.

"Please just... Help me out in this, ok? I really don't know what to buy him, and I want something special" I said, worried and begging.

"Well, he loves books, you could try with that" He pointed out.

"Oh no shit Sherlock, I said something special" I rejected.

"Hm... You know those flowers that are like, at Liyue's entrance? They're like pink and white" Chongyun started to describe the flower.

"You mean... Silk flowers?" I asked.

"Yeah, those, you could try getting those, he loves them" He smiled at me, sure about what he just said.

"That really helps! Thank you!" I screamed out and ran away to get the flowers as quick as possible.

And... I was done, I had the silk flowers, and I wanted something else, so the idea of getting him a book didn't sound that bad after all...

I was walking towards Liyue, when I saw him walk towards my way along with Xiangling, I got really nervous, and I truly wasn't ready to give him the gifts, so I hid quickly behind some bushes, and hoped he didn't see me.

"So? Did you get the gift?" I heard Xiangling said, he was, going to get a gift? For who?

"Yes, I... Hope it's ok... I mean, I've never done this before, you know, get a gift for..." Xingqiu was about to say the name of that person, when I saw a cute little spider and I... Got kind of freaked out.

"AhHHHHhhHHh!" I screamed loudly and fell onto the ground, I felt my back hit the hard rocks that made the path, and I yelped out in pain, touching my back, hoping it would stop hurting.

"Y/N!? Are you alright?! What were you doing there?!" Xingqiu came to me and helped me sit down, he started to touch my back, trying to find the spot that made me feel pain.

"N-No, I'm alright! Haha..." I laughed, trying to make the situation a bit less awkward.

"Ohhh.... I think I have to gooo! I will let you guys be~" Xiangling said, and she then ran away, winking at Xingqiu, who glared at her and blushed a bit in response.

"Anyways... Ahem... Are you alright?" He continued.

"Yes, I'm good" I answered.

"*sigh* I'm glad..." Xingqiu sighed in relief.
"What were you doing there, anyways?" He asked, confused.

"Oh I was- um... Ugh... Look... I've... I've got you this stuff for valentines and... When I saw you I got nervous? Plus, you were with Xiangling, and I thought you were... Dating with her or something... I don't know... I'm so dumb..." I started to explain, looking onto the ground as I did so.

"Oh, no... You're not! I also got you some stuff for valentines!" He laughed out.

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"Y/N" Xingqiu said, getting me up, "I love you, a lot, actually, would you like to be my valentines?" He suddenly proposed, I was bright red, and didn't know how to react.

"I- I-" I started to stutter, and I just gave up on trying to talk, and kissed him right there.

I felt as he hugged and pulled me closer, kissing back, we then parted away, and he gave me my favourite sweets along with a beautiful collar, I smiled widely, and gave him the flowers and the book.

"How did you know I liked these?" The boy asked, looking at me.

"I... Have my methods" I answered back, winking.

He laughed, and hugged me, I felt as if everything was a fairy tale, as if I were in a dream... Everything was so... Unreal... To good to be true.

"Xingqiu, I love you too" I said, finally being able to talk.

"I've always did"

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