💚💙Xiao x Reader💙💚 // Call out my name💫

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{Sorry for not uploading yesterday}

-No gender specified, as always.

-For now, I'm doing one shots with the characters I like, until I get requests, it will have to be like this, so if you really want a character, please, comment it and don't wait for me to magically guess 🐔

-I'm trying to keep up with daily uploads, I swear.


-Tsundere Xiao🌸


~Y/N's POV~

Life in Liyue has always been pretty calm for me, I was thinking on something to do, my day seemed to be completely free, and I just wanted to relax, but I of course couldn't, so I decided to leave Liyue for a bit and have a walk around the forest, I thought it would calm me down a bit, it always was so quiet in there after all.

I was lying against a tree, looking at the sky, and closed my eyes slightly, everything seemed too calm for me, until I heard a loud noise coming from between the trees that were right in front of me.

I got up, and walked quietly there, at the end of the trees, there was a clear zone with a little Lake, and there seemed to be a person who probably made that noise.

I watched from the distance, and as I blinked, the person disappeared, I looked around, shocked, it couldn't of have been just my imagination, could it?

I turned around once again, and saw a blue haired man with some highlights, he was threatening me with his weapon, which was extremely close to my chest.

We both made eye contact for a second, I was frozen and didn't know what to do, I prefered not to move, who knew what he could do if I made a suspicious movement.

"Who are you." The boy suddenly spoke in a cold voice.

I looked at him nervously, and thought if I should answer him or not.

"Y/N" I answered unsure.

"Y/N? What are you? An adepti?" He asked confused.


"An archon?"


"You're nothing more but a mere mortal?" He looked at me with a confused face, as if he couldn't belive his own eyes.

"Yes?" I answered in a shy tone.

"Then who do you think you are to spy on me." The blue haired boy continued.

"I was just walking around and saw you, nothing else, it wasn't my intention to spy on you" I explained.


"What's your name, anyways, I have told you mines but I still don't know yours" I asked as I looked at him in a friendly way, he finally stopped threatening me with his weapon, and offered me a hand shake.

"Adeptus Xiao, a Liyue Protector" The boy said, an adepti? I've never seen one before, I knew who they were, they protected Liyue, but I never thought I'd actually meet one.

I looked at him in awe, and he blushed slightly, he surely got a bit uncomfortable with me just staring at him like that.

"Can you please stop?" Xiao asked looking away and crossing his arms.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I just think you're really cool, I've never seen an adepti before, I'm pretty sure you're great at fighting" I complimented Xiao, he looked at me and hid his face slightly with his hand.

"Whatever." He answered coldly.

"Could I maybe see you train?" I asked excited.

"I- ugh... Fine... Whatever I don't care, do as you want." Xiao said unsteady.

Time passed, and he was just training as I watched, his fighting style was so strategic, I was amazed, he surely was an adepti, and what a strong adepti.

He suddenly stopped, and looked at me.

"Do you want to fight like this as well?" Xiao asked.

"W-What?" I stuttered confused.

"You just, looking at me like that... I can see it in your eyes, you wish to be trained by me, you wish to be able to fight like this." He practically just read me like a book.

"I- well, I don't want you to get distracted from your adepti life just to train me, you don't have to" I answered kindly.

"It's... Alright. I don't mind it, you remember me of... Someone... Anyways, we can meet up right here at the same hour, I'll wait for you" He explained.

"Alright, cool" I said in excitement.

He then nodded his head slowly, and left.

I woke up really early the next day, and did all my stuff so I had more than enough time to train with Xiao, I was really nervous, I've never really fought before, I was so into my thoughts that I didn't notice the agent that was in front of me, who I tripped with.

I fell into the ground and saw as he stared at me, ready to attack, when suddenly, he fell into the ground, and right behind him, there was Xiao, just, standing expressionless.

"X-Xiao, sorry..." I apologized.

"It's alright, he didn't hurt you, but you were lucky I was here." He answered in his monotone voice. "We should start your training" He continued.

We both walked to where we met the day before, and started our training, I didn't seem to make any progress, and I was starting to feel useless.

"Xiao, I don't think I'm made for this..." I said as I looked onto the ground.

"It's your first day, of course you are not making any progress, you can't just give up so easily." The boy explained.

"Why did you choose to train me? I'm nothing else but a mere mortal, you said it" I said getting closer to him.

"Look, I don't know what got into me, I just, felt something when I first saw you, don't question me about it, I thought and think you are different from others, it's a weird sensation I get when I look at you, now, get your weapon back, and try to attack me." He demanded coldy. I was confused, sensation? Different? I didn't know what he meant with that, but I just did as he said, and kept on training.

Some time passed.

"See? You are getting better." Xiao said as I breathed exhausted.

"Thank you... I still don't know if I will be able to defend myself if something happens though..." I said tired.

"Look, if something happens, if you awake to a knife at your throat, if monsters dig their claws into you, if death comes knocking at your door... Call out my name." Xiao said as he helped me up.

"What?" I said confused.

"Speak out my name, and I'll be there, I can asure you that" He continued.

I smiled at him happily, and hugged him, he flinched slightly, and put his hand on my head awkwardly.

"Who said you could- ugh... Whatever... Don't you think I'll let you hug me very often thought." Xiao patted my head.

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