💜Beidou x Reader💜 // "Just a drinking game..."

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No, I'm not dead LOL-

I've been kind of busy, but do not worry, I'm back! And yes, requests are still open.

Requested by this beautiful person right here!

Requested by this beautiful person right here!

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Y'all are some amazing people, and meanwhile I'm here taking ages to upload, please forgive me😔

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter★




I was sitting alongside with other members of Beidou's ship, that night we were having some kind of party, and captain Beidou seemed to be having lots of fun...

"Ugh, yet again drinking too much" Sighed Kazuha as he walked towards me, taking a seat as well.

"You mean Beidou?" I asked the white haired boy as he looked my way.

"Mhm, she's playing some drinking games and all that kinds of stuff... Maybe she's overdoing it a bit" The boy answered as he looked on the captain's direction.

"Maybe I should go stop her... Or at least warn her" I suggested, looking at Kazuha and Beidou's ship members who were sitting around the table with me.

"Yes, you probably should, I don't think she will listen to anyone else after all" One of the ship members said as he took a sip of wine.

"On my way then" I got up and walked towards Beidou, who started to smile and wave aggressively at me when she saw I was going towards her.

"Oh you little cutie! I was just about to tell you to come play with me!" The brown haired woman exclaimed as she wrapped her arm around my shoulder.

"Yeah... No, I'm here just to tell you to... Stop drinking for a bit" I said as I looked at Beidou, who gave me a disappointed look.

"Hey, that's no fun!" The captain complained.

"Beidou, you're incredibly drunk" I pointed out as I sat her down on a chair.

"I'm not! I always drink a lot! I'm used to it already..." Right after the woman said this, she tried to get up on her feet, and failed tremendously, falling down on the attempt.

"Beidou! Are you alright?" I exclaimed worringly as I crouched down to her, trying to get her face off the floor.

"Yeah! I'm- I'm completely fine... Dizzy, that's all, it doesn't matter!" The Captain said as she got up from the floor.

"Beidou you can't even stay on your feet without stumbling" I spoke up, but of course, she wouldn't listen.

"That's not true" She complained, crossing her arms.

I sighed and gave up on trying to resonate with Beidou meanwhile she was drunk, I sat on a chair that was behind me, and watched as Beidou kept on playing that drinking game...


Time passed, and I was practically sleeping on a table.

"Y/N! Y/N!" I heard someone scream on my ears, and lifted my head up from my arms slowly "Y/N, are you alright?"

I looked up to the person that was talking to me, I was confused, my eyes finally adjusted to the light, and I managed to see Kazuha.

"Are you drunk?" He asked me.

"What? No, I haven't drunk anything..." I muttered meanwhile I scratched my eyes.
"What happened?"

"You probably fell asleep on the table... It was kind of late anyways, so I'm not very surprised" The white haired boy smiled.

"Oh... Yeah..." I answered, how did I even manage to fall asleep with the music being so loud?
"Wait, where's Beidou?! Beidou!?" I screamed out.

"She's fine! She's fine! She's sleeping in her ship dorm" Kazuha explained.

"Oh... Alright..." I got up from the chair I was sitting on, and walked towards the Captain's cabin.

"What are you doing" The boy besides me asked.

"I'm just going to check on her real quick"
I opened the door slowly, and looked up to see that Beidou was awake.
"Captain Beidou? You're awake!" I exclaimed, walking in.

The woman did not look at me, I didn't know why, so I just got close to her, and tapped her shoulder to catch her attention.

"Y-Y/N!" Beidou screamed suddenly, hugging me.

"Huh-" I squeaked at the sudden move, and hugged the brown haired woman back.

"Y/N!" She kept on screaming, I had no idea what was going on, so I tried to make her look at me, she tightened her grip on me, and didn't let me get her away.

"What's going on" I asked in confusion.

"She's probably drunk" Kazuha spoke up.

I looked at the boy, and realized he surely was right, I've been with a drunk Beidou before, and yes, whenever she is drunk, she becomes really unstable emotionally, crying for everything, or getting sad because of a weird look you might just give her on accident.

"Ahem..." I coughed awkwardly.

"A-Are you sick?!" The captain screamed out, I looked at her, and grabbed her by the arms.

"I'm not... I'm fine... You though... You should sleep for a little while" I suggested.

"Sleep? Alone? Again? No! No! Oh I hate waking up and realizing I'm all alone!" The woman continued shouting, I was kind of surprised she managed to get so drunk when she drinks alcohol practically every day, I wanted to ask her how many bottles she had drunk, but decided to do it later, maybe when she stopped crying.

"If someone stayed with you, would you sleep until tomorrow?" I asked.

"Can you sleep with me? Oh, please! Please!" Beidou begged.

"Uhm..." I sighed.
"Fine... I'll sleep with you" As soon as I said this, she grabbed me by the wrist and sat me on her bed, I lied down and Beidou lied down besides me, hugging me as if I was a teddy bear.

Kazuha smiled at us.
"Good night" He said, and turned off the light.

"Good night" Beidou said burying her face on my back.

"Good night..." I said back, closing my eyes.

What an eventful party.

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