💙💚Xiao x Reader💚💙 // "I'll protect you"

587 11 4

Requested by SapphireMay

Sorry I took so long, I've been lazy 😵
Thanks for the request! Please remember you can make others any time, and you can also make them incredibly specific...(it helps so that I don't have to think of a plot muehehe)

-Bit of angst
-No specified gender for reader
-I love you Xiao
-In this chapter you're a traveler just like Lumine/Aether and you have a vision (unspecified type)



I was in great trouble... Some abyss mages were disturbing people working in a village's mine, as soon as I heard about this, I just had to jump in before anything too serious happened, but it was all a trap and I had fallen completely in it.

I was trapped god knows where with some abyss lector I couldn't even see properly... As soon as I attempted to fight off the last mage in the mine, I got teleported to some dark place, it looked like some kind of void, I couldn't see practically anything, that was until he appeared...

"You! Get me out of here! Where even am I?!" - I screamed out to an abyss lector I managed to spot in the distance, my breath was heavy because of how tired I was from fighting the mages before, I knew I'd be kind of doomed if the abyss lector decided to come after me, but I didn't realize this until it was too late...

The abyss lector went towards me incredibly fast, and of course attacked me, I got hit and thrown back, but I got up as quick as I could to try and stand up for myself, I used my vision in order to make stronger attacks against the lector, but they weren't enough... I was way too tired and I even started to get dizzy, the abyss lector just laughed...

This was all like a game to him, and I was going to lose. That was for sure. My attacks started to get weaker and weaker as the fight continued, I couldn't keep of for much longer.

"Just give up! You're not gonna get anywhere with this." - The abyss lector laughed, I just glared at him and attempted to escape, I of course wasn't successful at all, and I just managed to get hit by an ever stronger attack.

I was thrown against the dark ground, the last hit was going to be aimed against me, and it looked like it would end me completely. I just gave up, I watched as the abyss lector charged a giant attack I couldn't even look at properly and awaited for my death to arrive...

I closed my eyes softly, looking down with my head, accepting my fate... But as soon as the attack was thrown towards me, it didn't hit...

I looked up, and I was able to distinguish a silhouette, when I glanced at it more carefully, I was able to spot... Xiao?

"XIAO!" - I screamed as I realized what was going on, he just took the attack for me, I heard him grunt in pain and he was thrown against me, I held him in my arms and looked down at him, white pale.

He breathed intensely and suddenly stood up weakly, he then dashed against the abyss lector and it wasn't too long until the lector perished, Xiao stood up for some seconds after the fight, and suddenly fell against the floor, I rushed towards him and grabbed his head, letting him rest on my thighs as I was sitting down on the floor.

"XIAO! XIAO! ANSWER ME!" - I started to scream desperately as he seemed to have passed out, after moving him back and forth in attempts to make him react, he grabbed my arm, I looked at him, eyes wide, I blinked and we suddenly were in Liyue, back to safety... He just teleported the both of us...

I looked down at him and felt my eyes get watery as my heart heated out from my chest, not knowing what to do, I felt it all come down at once and it just broke me.

I started to imagine the worst that could happen and teared up even more, but I then snapped out of it all of a sudden, it wasn't time to cry...

I carried Xiao's numb body in my arms and started to run towards where Baizhu should be, he had to know what to do in that situation... He was my only option...

I rushed towards him and started to scream like a maniac as soon as I spotted him in the distance, he turned around and his eyes widened in surprise, not only because of my desperate screams for help but also at the sight of Xiao passed out.

I ran up to him and started to scream and cry meanwhile I explained what had happened, he just looked at me, not knowing how to even react, he just grabbed Xiao's body and started walking meanwhile I continued to cry and scream, explaining the situation.

Time skip, some days later

I was sitting on a chair besides the bed where Xiao was resting, he was still passed out, I had been visiting him every single day, I felt incredibly bad for what had happened... I couldn't help but think it was all my fault... I just wanted him to wake up so that I could tell him I was sorry and that I loved him...

As I looked at him, still sitting down, I looked at the floor sadly, thinking about everything in general... I suddenly heard something and I snapped out of my thoughts, my eyes widened and I stood up, going towards his bed and looking down at him, desperate to see what would happen.

Xiao then started to open his eyes softly.

"XIAO!" - I screamed in tears and hugged him tightly. - "I AM SO SORRY! I AM SORRY FOR EVERYTHING!" - I continued to scream, he just sighed and patted my arms comfortingly.

"Its alright... Calm down already..." - He said in a calm voice. - "you don't need to apologize..."

"What do you mean?! It was my fault!" - I screamed as I continued to cry.

"Well it technically was, but still, I was the one who decided to take that attack, so don't worry that much... Just be careful next time." - He explained as he patted my head a bit.

"I promise I will! Why did you even save me like that?!" - I continued to scream in tears.

"Well why would it be? Because I care about you." - He answered with a sigh.

I blushed and felt my eyes get even more watery.

"Can you stop crying?!" - he asked in a worried tone, holding my shoulders.

"I just... You just..." - I tried to speak but I felt my voice break.

"Oh god..." - he sighed and then hugged me all of a sudden. - "It's alright..."

I hugged him tightly and I smiled as I continued crying.

"I'm sorry!" - I screamed out.

"It's alright... Hey..." - He lifted my face by my chin.

"Yes?" - I asked him, my voice shaky.

"I love you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2023 ⏰

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