🤍❤Kazuha x Reader❤🤍 // Don't leave my side... 💘

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-I'm not keeping up with daily uploads and I'm sorry, I'm truly trying, but Im having a hard time, school is fucking me up.

-I still accept requests, they just, will take a little longer to come out, so please, don't get desperate if I'm taking a while uploading another one shot.

-I don't know much about Kazuha, please, excuse me if his personality has been gotten wrong at any part...

-No gender specified.


~Y/N's POV~

This stupid vision hunting had to stop already.

It all was getting out of control, and everything got even worse when... Well... He... Died...

Kazuha has never been the one to talk a lot, but since everything happened, he has never been the same, I don't feel him the same way, and I get it, he lost his friend after all...

The vision hunting was still going on, and Kazuha of course was not ok with it, either was I, obviously, but the only way to stop it was... Confronting... Well... You know... Her...

Kazuha and I teamed up with Gorou, the lead of the resistance, the group that was against Raiden, and we all were thinking about something to end her, but Kazuha was not having it, not at all.

We were all sitting down, thinking of different plans, and seeing which one could maybe work out.

"And what if I-" I tried speaking up, but I got cut off.

"No, you're not." The white haired boy said.

"Why? You're not my father" I complained.

"I know, but I'm not letting you do anything by yourself, if we want to fight her, we will do it together." Kazuha explained.

"Fine... But... Stop treating me like a little kid" I said, annoyed, and sat down with my arms crossed, looking away.

"What do you mean? I'm just worrying about you" Kazuha speaked back.

"Yes, and I get that, it's ok to worry about your friends, but the fact you act as if I didn't know what I was doing, or as if I didn't know what I'm capable of, it's annoying." I argued with him, he looked at me with a confused face, he surely didn't get it.

"I'm just saying what's better for you, that's all" He said back.

"I know what's better for myself, get that?"

"Hey, hey, calm down both of you, we should continue later, everything has gotten kind of heated up, hasn't it?" Gorou said as he got up and separated both of us.

"Yes, you will continue later, as it seems I will be able to do nothing by myself, right? Kazuha?" I said annoyed, as I walked away.

"What... Wait... No" He said as he tried to stop me, but got pushed back by Gorou.

"Let her some space, you'll talk later, when she calms down"

I walked out to sit down besides a tree, looking at the dark sky, as I thought of what just happened.

"I'm such an idiot..." I thought to myself.

I kept on thinking of what a scene I made just because of a little thing, and didn't realize how fast time passed, at that point, tears were running down my face, and I kept on insulting myself.

Until I heard footsteps behind me.

"Y/N?" Kazuha said as he walked towards me, and put his hand on my shoulder.

"What." I answered quietly.

"Are you alright? You've been out here for a while now and... Um... I just wanted to... Talk, for a second" He said, and sat down besides me.

I looked the other way as I didn't want him to see me in such state, and felt as he got closer.

"I'm sorry for what I did earlier" Kazuha suddenly speaked up.

I paused for a second.

"Are you really apologizing?" I asked, my voice breaking slightly.

"Y-Yes?" He answered.

"Why. This is not your fault. I was the one who made that scene just because of a little stupid thing. I should be the one to apologize, you know?" I explained, feeling embarrassed.

"No, it's okay, really, I get your frustration" As kazuha said this, I looked at him with watery eyes, and smiled stupidly.

"I'm so dumb" I laughed.

"Oh god, are you alright?!" He asked worried as he took my face on his hands.

"I'm fine, it's just... I'm acting like a little child..." I said looking away, I surely looked like a mess.

Kazuha sighed.

"You know... I worry so much about you cause... I don't want the same thing to repeat... Again..." He explained, looking into my eyes.

"I understand, I just acted like a complete asshole back there" I chuckled in embarrassment.

"No you didn't, it's ok, really" The white haired man said as he wiped my eyes with his fingers, and hugged me, making me rest my head on his chest, and sit sideways.
"Just... Don't go by yourself... Don't... Leave my side... "

"I won't, Kazuha, I love you too much for that."

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