🧡Zhongli x Reader🧡 // A resting day🌸

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-No gender specified, as usual.

-Fluff, as usual (lmao)

-Daddy Zhong Zhong comes up in the next banner, so I wish you all good luck with your pulls🍀

[I just got Xiao so I'm not interested, 50/50 will probably kill me, so I'm aiming for Yanfei 🌚]


Y/N's POV:

I was doing some paper work when I saw Childe entering my little office, he looked at me and gave me a friendly smile, so I got up from my chair and walked towards him.

"What is it that you want, Ajax?" I asked, saying his real name just to annoy him a little.

"I told you not to- ugh... Whatever." He sighed out as he walked towards my desk and leaned on it. "I wanted to talk to you about Zhong" The orange haired speaked up.

"Really? What did he do?" I walked up to Childe with a worried look, I was really close to the Geo Archon, so I of course worried about him. "This better not be another one of your stupid puns." As I said this, he quickly shook his head.

"He's been kind of... Overworking himself, I thought you could talk to him, maybe" Childe explained.

"Oh, why didn't you talk to him?!" I asked, I noticed Childe was not talking about Zhongli overworking himself just today, but he's been doing it for a while now, and rather than him trying to talk with Zhongli, and make him stop, he just waited for me to do it?

"Oh c'mon, you act as if you didn't know him, he would never listen to me, why would he? But you? He could actually pay some attention to your words." Childe was right, Zhongli can be kind of stubborn sometimes, so I guessed I had no other option.

"Alright, I'll go."


I looked for him for hours, I've strached everywhere, where could he be? I knew Liyue as I knew my own hand, there was no other place where he could be, well, except the Jey Chamber, but why would he be there? That's Nigguang's-

Wait a second.

"Zhongli?" I asked as I got to the Jey Chamber, who would say he was in there?

"Yes?" I heard him answer in a calm, monotone voice.

"What are you doing here?" I said as I saw him, and got up to where he was.

"Oh, I was just helping Nigguang out with some contracts" The Archon explained as he showed the papers to me, he looked tired.

"Zhongli, we have to get you home so you can rest, Childe told me about you overworking yourself, and you really do look exhausted" I explained as I grabbed his arm and got him up from the chair slowly.

"I don't need rest" He speaked up.

"Yes you do, now, get home" Nigguang demanded.

"W-What" As quickly as he said that, I grabbed him with me, and took him home.

"Why do I have to go rest?" He asked as we walked towards my house.

"Cause you are tired, your face looks exhausted, have you been sleeping these days?" I asked worried.

"Yes, well, not a lot, but I have" He stated.

We then arrived to my house, I opened the door, and got him inside, I then made up a little the couch, and sat Zhongli on it, I also made some tea so he could relax.

"There you go, now, relax for a little, maybe you can even sleep, do you want to get to my bed? I don't mind sleeping on the couch" I gave Zhongli the tea, and sat right next to him.

"No, it's alright" He denied as he took a sip out of his tea. "Maybe I was overworking myself a little" He spoke up, he surely was starting to feel tired.

"I told you, how long have you been like this? A week? As far as I know, Childe tried talking to you, but your stubborn little self wouldn't listen, would it?" I started to act as if I was his mother even though he was like 5000 years older than me.

I kept on talking, until I felt something fall on my thighs, I looked down, and Zhongli was resting his head on them, I stayed quiet and tried to figure out what was going on, my mind went blank and I became a complete blushing mess.

"You're comfortable" The man suddenly stated.

"O-Oh... Haha... Thank you?" I really didn't know what to say or how to answer that.

"Thank you, for worrying so much about me." He said in a warm voice.

"No problem" I answered, and moved a little so I could get him to my bed, but he suddenly stopped me, and got his head more comfortable on my thighs.

"Please... Don't go... "

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