❤Tartaglia (Childe) x Reader❤ // Just accept me already💝❗

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-No gender specified, as always.

-Tartaglia being a romantic ass mf

-I can't make daily uploads, and I'm sorry, it's just impossible for me, I still really appreciate the support I've been getting, I don't even know how this got more than 200 reads... Anyways, thank you for everything, and don't worry, I take in count votes, if I see some people voting for a one shot I'll make another one with that character🌸


~Y/N's POV~

I was walking around Liyue, another normal day, nothing much, I still had to go shopping, but I really wasn't in the mood, I kept on thinking about the stuff I should do and didn't even notice the Xiangling who was running towards me.

"Y/N!!!!!!" I heard a girl scream my name, as quick as I looked up, I saw Xiangling approaching me, I didn't even have time to process the situation when she suddenly hugged me.

"H-Hey" I muttered into the hug which was practically choking me.

"I'm sorry, did I scare you?" She laughed.

"Just a little... Anyways, what's so important?" I asked as I parted from the hug, and looked at the blue haired girl.

"Oh, right, that boy... Wait what's his name... Um... Ugh! That one orange haired man who had like a weird red mask!" Xiangling described the man slightly, and as fast as I heard the red mask thing, I knew who she was talking about.

"You mean Childe?" I asked.

"Yes! That one!" She practically screamed.

"And what did he want?" I kept on with the conversation as it seemed like it was getting nowhere.

"Oh, yeah, he gave me this card and told me to give it to you, it looks like someone is going on a date~!" Xiangling exclaimed happily as she pulled out a card and gave it to me.

"Hm? Let me see" I took it and started to read, it seemed like he invited me to have dinner with him?
"This must be a joke" I muttered.

"Oh c'mon, you have to go and see if it's serious! Who knows what could happen" The girl looked way more excited than I was, and the invitation wasn't for her.

"Right, right, if I don't go, I guess we will never know, right?" I said as I put away the card.

"That's the spirit! Anyways, I'll leave you to it, please tell me how it went as fast as you see me! I wish you really good luck with him! Bye bye~!" Xiangling hugged me again, and left quickly, probably towards her father's restaurant.

"Anyways, seems like I will have plans tonight..." I said to myself as I looked down at the card once again.

Time passed and it was already around 8PM, I was getting ready to leave by putting on some pretty clothes, nothing much, just so I didn't look like I was going shopping on a date.

I left my house towards the place the card said, and found a pretty and expensive restaurant right in front of me.

"This better be good..." I whispered as I entered.

As quick as I stepped in, I felt myself in an embrace, I looked up, and there he was, the "orange haired men with a weird red mask".

"Y/N! I can't believe you actually came!" He exclaimed happily.

"Great cause me neither..." I muttered back.

"Anyways! I'm sorry I couldn't be the one to give you that card, but I had things to do" Childe explained as he dragged me towards a table.

"I've never seen this restaurant before" I said as I sat down, looking around the place which was full of people.

"Pretty, isn't it?" He asked, sitting down right in front of me. "But not as pretty as you" He flirted, he's always been a flirt towards me, but it seemed different this time.

"Yeah... Anyways... Is there any reason in special why you wanted me to come here with you? Or did you just want to spend some time with me? If it was that, you could of have just said it to me" I said, making eye contact with him.

"Oh, well... The reason is... Um... I'll tell you later... Okay, angel?" He answered nervously.

Time passed, and we already ate dinner as we chatted about anything, he kept on flirting and complimenting me all the time, which sometimes made me kind of nervous, but I still smiled and went on as if it didn't affect me.

We already finished eating when it all got quiet, I was waiting for him to say something about why he wanted to see me, but he acted completely calm about it.

"Ahem, Childe?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He answered.

"Aren't you gonna tell me then?" I kept on.

"Ohh... Um, well, we should get outside from here first." He said as he got up, and grabbed me outside the restaurant.

"What's wrong with you just grabbing me around today?" I complained annoyed at him.

He completely ignored it, and kept on walking, until we got to a really quiet place, it was a cliff that aimed right towards Liyue, I didn't even know how we got there, everything was going so fast.

"Childe, can you please just tell me already!? This is so confusing! First Xiangling with the card, then you acting even more weird than you normally do, ignoring my question, grabbing me around... Can you please just explain yourself?!" I screamed annoyed.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I know, but, I just... Have a little surprise prepared?" He said.

"And what would that surprise be?" I asked back.

"Look into the sky" He said, and as quick as I did that, I saw some beautiful fireworks.

"What...?" I muttered in confusion.

"Keep on watching" Childe answered.

I did as he said, and I saw as the fireworks showed the 3 words "I love you".

I looked down at Childe, and he was on his knees with some flowers.

"Can you explain me what the hell is this?" I asked confused.

"A proposal?" He answered.

"Are you aware of the fact you could of have just said it normally to me and done?" I kept on.

"Yes, but, it wouldn't of have been special, and I want you to remember it" He said.


"I want you to remember me as the best man in the world, which I of course am" He complimented his self.

I gave him an annoyed glare and rolled my eyes.

"Sorry sorry! Please just accept me already..." He begged.

"Fine fine... I love you, idiot" I said.

"I know~" Childe said as he got up to his feet and then kissed my forehead.

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