🤍Itto x Reader🤍 // Please! Love me💌!

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I'm so sorry for literally dying.
I've been feeling a bit off lately, in the sense I've been having so many headaches and stuff... So yeah, didn't really have the motivation or patience to sit there and start writing things, but anyways, I hope you enjoy our lovely boy Itto🌸

-No gender specified

-Itto being so damn cute😭🙏

-Fluff ofc💖

(Btw, thank you for the support on the Venti one, don't worry, I'll make another one for him in no time, cause damn, that sure got some reads...)


~Y/N's POV~

"Scissors, paper, rock!" Me and Itto exclaimed as we both got out rock for the fifth time in a row.

"Oh god damn it!" I complained as I looked away, crossing my arms as I did so.

"Can you stop using rock?" Itto asked, annoyed.

"Why don't YOU stop using rock?" I asked back.

"Because rock is the best!" He answered, pointing at his geo vision.

I sent him a death glare, and got up, looking away.

"Oh c'mon don't look at me like that!" Itto said as he went up to me.

I looked at him with an annoyed face once again, and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Please?" He asked.

"Ugh, this is stupid, I don't even remember why we were even playing this game" I speaked up, sighing.

"We wanted to get that big boy!" The white haired oni exclaimed, looking up and pointing at an Onikabuto that was right at the top of a tree.

"Oh... Right..." I said, remembering everything.
"So? Are you gonna get it? Or..." I continued.

"What? Me? But you didn't win!" Itto screamed back.

"But you made me mad!" I complained.

"That- that doesn't count!" He commented.

"Well it does now" I continued.

"Ugh fine! I'll get it, but you'll have to give me something in exchange, just so you know" He finally gave in, I didn't have enough time to even ask him what he meant when he climbed up the tree.

He finally came down, and shaked his head, getting all the leafs that were stuck in it on the floor, he looked completely messy and full of dirt, but he still had a wide smile on his face.

"You got it! And- damn, did a hilichurl attack you or something?" I asked, getting closer to him, and taking a stick that was stuck in his front hair.

"Well, trees aren't the cleanest place to be at" Itto said, taking my hand and pressing it against his cheek.

"Yeah, I guessed that... Anyways, what did you mean earlier? With the thing of getting you something in exchange?" I asked, curousity hitting in.

"Oh, yeah! A little something" Itto smirked.

"You scare me" I said back.

He just laughed, and took my hand in his, poking my nose with his other hand, and getting me closer, still smiling.

"Could that little something be... A little kiss? Maybe?" Itto asked, putting some puppy eyes.

"I- uh-" I practically froze in place, blushing, and taking a moment to think about what he just said.
"You want... A kiss? From me?" I asked, confused.

"Yes? When you love someone, aren't you supposed to do that?" He continued.

'Love'? 'Kiss'? All those words were running through my head, I was so confused I didn't know what to do.

"I- I mean... Sure?" I answered not knowing what I was saying, until I felt him get closer, until our lips met.

I had no idea what was going on, we went from fighting over an Onikabuto to kissing real quick.

"So? Does that mean you love me too?" He suddenly spoke up, hugging me tightly.

"I- what?" I asked, still confused.

"It's been a while since I wanted to tell you all of these... But I didn't know how, really, I asked Gorou about it, but he just told me to be open, and I didn't really know how..." Itto started to explain.

"What? You... Didn't know how to confess to me, Gorou told you to be open... And you took advantage of an argument to kiss me?" I said.

"Uh... Yes?" He answered back, a bit flustered.

"Oh god, you don't know how to be romantic do you?" I asked.

"No, I truly don't, sorry..." Itto continued, smiling awkwardly.

I sighed, and looked up at him, smiling slightly.

"It's alright" I kissed his forehead.

"So you do love me?" He asked once again.

"Yes... I do... Now shut up and think of a pretty place where we can have our first date at" I said, poking his nose as I got even closer.

"Yay! I have no idea where we can do that, but I'm ok with going anywhere as long as it is with you" He teased slightly.

"Oh you little bastard..."

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