💛Albedo x Reader💛 // My portrait🖌

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-No gender specified again🌻

-Shy Albedo💕

-I tried to make it longer😔

-I simp🌸


Y/N's POV:

Me and Albedo were really close, and I decided to go to dragonspine, where he usually was, and stay with him some days in there, as I couldn't convince him to get to Mondstat and just stay some days there.

I got all my things packed up in some boxes so I could stay some days, he didn't usually sleep in there, but he was so invested in one of his experiments, that he just couldn't stop working, that's the principal reason why I was going there, not only to see him, but to accompany him in his experiments, I knew that he'd stay all alone some good two weeks, and I of course didn't want that for him.

I got ready and left Mondstat towards Dragonspine.

"Hey Albedo" I greeted as I entered the alchemist's little lab, he was lying his head against his arms as he was sitting down on his desk, he probably was just thinking.

Albedo got up as quick as he heard me.

"Hey Y/N" He smiled warmly as he got up and helped me with my stuff.

"How are you doing?" I asked looking at his papers, which were full of different theories and maths every where.

"Well, it could be worse, I'm not going that bad I think" The pale boy looked around after leaving my boxes on the floor next to a chair.

"Well, I'm here to stay until you finish, so you can always ask me for help, I'm not an alchemist, but I know the basics" I smiled at him.

"That comforts me" Albedo laughed.

"Why didn't you ask Sucrose to come and stay with you? She's an alchemist after all, she knows about this stuff, which means she could actually help you" I asked, I didn't really know why he asked me to go with him in the first place, I'm not the best with Alchemy.

"It's just... it's not the same" He answered quick and nervously.


Time passed, and I was sitting making some food, Albedo had been working the whole time, and I knew he'd be hungry at one moment, I catched him staring at me multiple times, but I didn't really pay attention to that.

"Hey, you hungry?" I asked him, he quickly looked up from his notebook.

"Y-Yeah! I actually kind of am" Albedo answered shakily, hidding his notebook slightly.

"Good then, I've made some food for us, come eat before it gets cold, even more now that we are in Dragonspine" I laughed out, smiling at the boy in a friendly way.

"Yes, you're right" He answered as he got up, and left his notebook facing down on the desk, he then sat next to me, and ate some of the food I made.

We finished eating, and the day went off like normal, him working, me trying to help if I could, and ending up reading a book or drawing something, Albedo still kept on acting kind of weird, he was looking at me maybe a little too much, "did I have something on my face?"

Time passed and I actually fell asleep on my book, I was tired because of moving my stuff from Mondstat to Dragonspine, and the freezing temperatures where actually getting to me.

I slept for like 2 hours, until I opened my eyes slightly at the feeling of someone watching me, everything was blurry at first, but when my sight adjusted, I spotted Albedo right in front of me, he was staring at me, and just stopped to write something down.

I decided not to say anything, and stay quiet, pretending I still was asleep, and stayed like that for some minutes, until Albedo closed his notebook, and pulled up a blanket over me, he then fell asleep as well, and I took that as an opportunity.

I slowly got up, and took his notebook, I knew he wasn't making any alchemy things, he looked at me too much for that, and the answers are not written down on my face.

I kept on looking thought the pages, and got to one where I could appreciate the sketch of someone... Wait... Was that me?

I was shocked at the drawings, they all were beautiful, from that page, every single one was full of sketches of me, and there was just one drawing finished, which was me "sleeping"

I smiled at the drawings, and looked at Albedo, the fact the whole day he's just been trying to draw me, and I thought it was just him being weird, seemed cute to me.

I loved every single one of those sketches, and decided to leave him a little message on his notebook, I took a pencil, and drew him as good I could, I also put an "I love you" message, and left it right there, hoping he wouldn't mind me drawing on his notebook.

After doing that, I went back to sleep, and smiled to myself.

~The Next Day~

"Y/N?" Albedo asked.

"Yes?" I asked back.

"Was this made by you?" He continued.

"Oh, yeah, I saw your notebook, and I thought your sketches of me were really pretty, so I wanted to draw you as well" I explained to him.

"O-Oh, you... Saw them?" Albedo seemed nervous.

"Yes, I love them"

"You love them more than you love me?" He teased slightly.

"What? No! Of course not, heh, idiot" I laughed out.

"I was just asking"

I got up to him and grabbed his head on my hands, I then kissed his forehead.

"Albedo, there is nothing else in this world I love more than I love you."

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