❤Diluc x Reader❤ // My Dark Night Hero✨

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-No gender specified once again
-I'm a huge Diluc simp.
-Just 😻Diluc😻
-If you haven't made he dark night hero quest, what are you waiting for😃



The dark night hero, huh? That sounds interesting to say the least, by it's name they must be either really really lame, or really really imponent... Probably the first one.

That's stupid, a "hero" who saves Mondstat at night? Why would someone even tho that? Well, all those questions were the ones I made to Diluc, he was acting weird about it, he seemed to chuckle quite a lot.

"Well, I actually think it's true, I mean, if it wasn't, Mondstat would already be all broken up in little peaces." The red haired stated as he cleaned up the Tavern's counter.

"Who knows" I said taking another sip from my wine [If you don't like alcohol, just pretend it's smth else].

"What? You don't like fairy tales?" Diluc laughed.

"It's not that, I'm just saying it sounds surrealistic, I mean, a hero who appears at night and saves Mondstat from some horrible monsters! C'mon don't tell me you take that guy seriously even if he was real" I said as I looked at Diluc with a worried

"You know what? Let's meet up tonight at 12PM, and wait for the dark night hero". Diluc explained.

"Sure, I'll prove you wrong"

Night had already fallen, and I was waiting for mister I own a tavern but I don't like alcohol man.

Everything was so quiet, there was no one awake, and then there was me, freezing out of cold as I waited for Diluc to arrive.

He surely was taking a while and it was his idea to meet up, at his peace, I'd probably see the "Dark Night Hero" by my own.

I was right about to get to the tavern and look for him in there, when some Hilichurls appeared out of nowhere, I took out my weapon, and got ready to attack, but then... Something, or... Someone? Saved me. Could it be the dark night hero?

I looked as the man got rid of every single hilichurl, and then, he turned around...

"Diluc?!" I screamed in confusion, he raised an eyebrow and got closer to me.

"Surprise?" He asked with a small smile.

"Don't tell me you are the Dark Night Hero" I said as I looked up at him in awe.

"Look, this wasn't really supposed to happen, I kind of, wanted to tell you in a more formal way, but it seems like some hilichurls didn't like the idea" He explained as he crossed his arms and got to his usual pose.

"Oh god, don't tell me you're just being a 'hero' at night cause you don't trust either the Knights or your own brother" I stated with an annoyed tone.

"Look, you know how the Knights are, they're all just some useless men, who walk around Mondstat with the same route every day, and get scared of some little slimes" The red haired man said in a loud and annoyed tone, he surely still hated the Knights as much as he always did. He came closer as he spoke on how much he hated them, and I stepped back slightly, his attitude was starting to scare me.

"Huh-" He muttered. "I- I am so sorry, did I scare you? I got a little carried away with the situation" Diluc said as he stepped back, not making eye contact.

"No, it's alright, I get your frustration" I said as I put my hand on his cheek, making him look at me.

"I made you come all the way here at night, just to make you hear me complaining about the knights, I'm... I'm truly sorry" Diluc looked down, and then took off his jacket. "Here, I've noticed you were freezing" He gave me his jacket, and I blushed slightly, what was happening?

"I'm fine! I-" I was about to refuse his jacket when he put it on my back, and it was enormously big, it covered my body completely, so I had to keep it open, in rest, it was comfy.

"Just take it, I will take you home" He said as he put his hand on my shoulder.
I nodded slightly, and we both started walking towards my house.

"There, go in before you keep on freezing" He said as he looked at me, giving me a small but warm smile.

"Don't you want to sleep at my place tonight? It's gotten really late, and I don't think The Dark Night Hero has lots of work tonight, does he?" I asked him in a cocky tone.

He sighed, and continued.

I made up the sofa for him, and decide to go to sleep, I still felt like something was off, and couldn't really rest though, so I went up to Diluc.

"Diluc?" I asked from my room's door.

"Yeah?" He answered half asleep.

"I can't sleep, can the Dark Night Hero help me out in this" I continued with a little chuckle.

"What do you want me to do?" the red haired asked as he got up.

"I don't know, sleep with me, maybe?" I suggested in a shy tone.

"Alright... Fine" He got up and headed to where I was in my room, he then just laid down on my bed and I did as well.

"Thanks, Dark Night Hero" I smiled at him.

"Stop that" He laughed out.

"But why? I thought you liked it" I said laughing slightly.

"I'm not The Dark Night Hero, I'm your hero" He turned around to face me as he said this, and smiled warmly at me, I blushed harshly and looked away.

"Alright then... My hero" I said softly as I hugged him.

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