🧡Gorou x reader🧡 // Gift for my puppy🐾💝

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Ok so, I disappeared into thin air and this book literally blew up, so I think I'll continue with requests only or smth😭

Ok so, I disappeared into thin air and this book literally blew up, so I think I'll continue with requests only or smth😭

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Thanks for your request! Shadowolfy434!

-Kind of a fluff, as always
-No specidied gender
-Gorou is so cute 😭
-The reader is the flustered one here.



Gorou and I are really close friends, but he's been really busy lately, with everything that has been happening with the vision hunt decree, he's been working really hard... So I thought it would be a good idea to surprise him with a gift and some time with me to relax.

-"Thank you, Thoma" -I thanked Thoma after we both finished cooking some cupcakes for Gorou, I asked him for help as I wanted to make a lot of them, and I knew I would take way too long with that if I decided to make them alone.

-"Oh, don't worry! It was fun helping you out with cooking! We should do this more often. -Thoma answered with a smile as he handed me the box with cupcakes we just made.

-"Yes, we totally should!"- I exclaimed with a smile.

-"Anyways, come on now! Give them to him, I'm sure he'll love them. -The blonde man hyped me up.

-"Alright, alright! Thank you again!" -I exclaimed as I left the house, I now just had to take a boat and get there, not a big deal.

As I was on my way there, I started to think about everything in general, as me and Thoma baked together, he wouldn't stop making jokes about me liking Gorou and the other way around, I just laughed and told him to shut up, but if I was honest I had to admit that maybe I did have feelings for the young leader...

Some time later, I arrived the place where Gorou was with his army and all, I ran towards where he stayed at and soon realized he wasn't home, so I left the box on the table and sat down, I layed down on his coach to be more comfortable, blinked a few times and... Fell asleep.

-"Y/N? Y/N, Y/N! Wake up!" - I opened my eyes and saw Gorou staring down at me, I flinched in surprise and sat down quickly.

-"Oh god I fell asleep!" - I complained as I covered my face with my hands in embarrassment.

Gorou just chuckled and sat down besides me, turning his head to face me, he then got his arms around me and pulled me close into a hug.

-"Don't worry now, it's alright, I don't mind you sleeping here, I just got kind of surprised, you didn't tell me you'd come to visit or anything..." - Gorou comforted me with a smile, I felt my cheeks burn and uncovered my face, hugging him back a bit.

-"This was supposed to be a surprise... well I mean it still kind of is as I came here without you noticing and all... But I fell asleep and I could really surprise you how I wanted." - I explained with a disappointed tone.

-"You wanted to surprise me with visiting me? Awh, that's cute" - Gorou said with a warm smile.

-"And..." - I stood up from the couch and got to the table grabbing the box of cupcakes and then sitting down again with it in my hands, opening it. -"Cupcakes, for you" - I said with a smile as I looked at Gorou, his whole face lit up and I could see his tail wagging excitedly.

-"You did these for me?!" - Gorou exclaimed surprised.

-"Yes, you've been working hard lately and I just wanted you to relax a bit so I made these for you! And we can spend some time together now as well" -I explained with a smile as I handed over to Gorou one of the cupcakes, he took it and bit into it as soon as he had it I his hand.

-"That sounds amazing, and these are amazing! I don't know how to thank you" - The boy said, looking down with a little smile.

-"You don't have to give me anything in return, I did this because I care about you, that's all" - I said this and wiped a piece of icing Gorou had next to his lips with my thumb, he smiled and I felt my heart skipping some beats, he seemed to notice me get nervous and tilted his head.

-"Are you alright?" - He asked me with his cute intrigued face.

-"You're just too cute!" - I sad playfully as I started to pet him, he got red and just finished his cupcake.

-"Look who's talking, little red face" - He teased me back, my eyes widened and I looked at him with an even redder face.

-"Shut up! I make you cupcakes and this is how you return the favour?" - I exclaimed as I crossed my arms and looked away.

-"You told me I didn't have to return the favour!" - Gorou laughed as he started to move me by my leg, I just let out a little "humph!", as if I were mad and he chuckled again. -"Alright fine, I'll return you the favour so you can forgive me!" - He exclaimed in a dramatic and joky tone, and then grabbed my face by my chin. My eyes widened in surprise and I looked directly at him. -"You know? I actually like you too"

I couldn't even have time to process what was going on, he liked me? He knew I did? Who told him? What is going on? He just leaned towards me and stopped when he was a few inches away from my lips, I could feel his warm breath against my lips.

I stayed still, just frozen in place, he just looked into my eyes and seemed to be a bit doubtful about the situation all of a sudden, I just couldn't resist and kissed him all of a sudden, he seemed surprised at first but soon got into it and kissed me back.

After some time, we parted away and I started to think about what did just happen.

-"Oh god..." - I chuckled as I blushed even more, Gorou just laughed as well and hugged me.

-"Thank you a lot for this..." - He thanked me with a soft voice and I hugged him back.

-"I love you."

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