💛Thoma x Reader💛 // Sick days💊❤‍🩹

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truly forgot about this book I'm sorry 🙏

-Jk, jk, I knew I had to upload, I've just been really busy with loads of stuff and I didn't have much time, but still, here you have some Thoma...

-No gender specified, for the 12th time.

-Clingy Thoma🌸



~Y/N's POV~

Once again, I decided to play that stupid food game with Thoma and Ayaka, and of course, once again, Thoma ate all the weird stuff just to win... And of course... Once again... He was feeling sick, really sick.

"We are not playing this ever again" I said as I gave some water to the blonde boy.

"Why?" He asked.

"Why? You always to the same thing! You eat the weird food and end up with a terrible stomach ache!" Ayaka exclaimed.

"Exactly" I agreed immediately.

"But it's fun! Ow... Well... When you are playing..." Thoma said as he lied on the floor with his hand on top of his belly, he of course was not feeling any better.

"Ugh... Anyways, Ayaka, you can go, I'll take care of him" I sighed as I turned to Ayaka, who was cleaning up with me.

"Oh, no, I can stay if you want to" She answered back calmly.

"It's alright, it's not as if I haven't already done this before" I said as I walked towards the door with her by my side.

"You sure?" She asked.

"Yes, don't worry" I nodded and waved goodbye at her, and then, closed the door.

"Owww... This really does hurt..." I heard Thoma complain inside the place, I walked towards him and helped him get more comfortable.

"You're such a dumbass" I said as I sat down and made him lie his head on my thighs.

"You still love me though" He laughed out.

"God knows how I'm still capable of standing you and your stupidness" I said as I patted his head.

We stayed like that for a couple of minutes, until I heard Thoma complain once again, he seemed so in pain I had to leave for a second just to get him some medicine.

"I'll be right back, try not to die while I'm not here" I joked as I left.

I walked towards the closest shop, hoping they would have some medicine to make Thoma's stomach ache stop for a while.

"Miss? Can I help you?" The shop attendant said, I suddenly snapped out of my thoughts and answered.

"Do you have any medicine to make stomach aches stop or something...?" I asked a bit nervous.

"Oh, yes, let me get you one, please wait here" The girl said as she left quickly to get the medicine.

I waited patiently, until I heard a man screaming outside the shop, I walked towards the door to see what was going on, and then saw as some people were beating him up.

"Hey you! Stop that!" I exclaimed as I got out from the shop and walked towards the man who was not having a very good time.

"And who are you?" One of the boys asked.

"Why do you care? Leave that man alone" I said as I got closer to the persons who were kicking him.

"Or what?" One of them said.

"Or I'll beat you up" I heard another mysterious person say, and I of course recognised that voice...

"Thoma?" I asked confused as I turned around and saw him standing up, holding his polearm.

"What are you doing here? How did you-" I started questioning him until I got cut off.

"Leave this girl and that man alone, and let's act like nothing happened here" He said as he got closer.

"Ugh... Fine, fine, boys, we're leaving" The tallest man from the group spoke up, and they all turned around and left.

"Are you gonna answer my questions now!?" I yelled at the blonde guy.

Thoma was about to answer me until he practically fell to the floor.

"THOMA!"  I screamed as I helped him up.

"Sorry... I'm still a bit unstable, hehe" He chuckled.

"Why did you leave and come all the way here you idiot" I said, helping Thoma up.

"I was worried about you" He answered.

"You? Worried about me? You can't even stand up and you were worried about me?! Are you stupid?" I was truly pissed off, I told him to wait for me, and he just did the complete opposite, and he surely was feeling way worse because of that.

"Thank you for saving me" The boy who was being attacked by the group earlier walked up to us.

"Oh, no problem sir" I said, nodding awkwardly.

The man gave us some mora as a thank you and left, I was about to continue yelling at Thoma until I heard the girl from the shop yelling for me.

"Oh right! The medicine" I said and walked up towards the shop, I took it, and got to Thoma, who was waiting for me out side the shop, using his polearm to stand up.

"Let's get back and give you this" I demanded as I helped Thoma start walking.

We got back some minutes later, and I made Thoma lie down so I could give him his medicine, he complained about it, but I didn't care and obliged him to take it.

"Alright, you should be feeling better in no time" I said, patting the boy's head.

"That tasted horrible" He complained, crossing his arms.

"Oh... But the food you ate in your stupid game didn't?" I spoke in an aggressive yet calm tone.

"A-Ah... Haha..." Thoma laughed awkwardly.

"Just, rest for a bit, try sleeping, alright?" I continued.

"Sure..." The boy answered, lying his head on my shoulder.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Giving you my love and affection? And my thanks for everything you do for me" He answered, I blushed slightly and crossed my arms.

"You dork..." I answered, and kissed his forehead.

"You still love this dork" He laughed, and then kissed my lips.

If I knew he'd be like that when he felt sick, I'd take care of him more oftenly...

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