🧡Ningguang x Reader🧡 // Just my assistant~?♡

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This was actually requested by my best friend, so I hope you enjoy •w•!

This was actually requested by my best friend, so I hope you enjoy •w•!

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-No gender specified

-In this one-shot, you are Ningguang's assistant, but she suddenly starts to see you as something more than just that...

-First female character one-shot in this book, finally😌👌

-Please read the A/N if you haven't, you can vote for a character you like so I can make a One-shot of them😩



~Y/N's POV~

I was walking around the Jade Chamber, making my way towards where Ningguang was, in her office, probably making some paper work.

"Miss Ningguang?" I called her as I entered her office.

"Yes, darling?" I heard her answer, and she was indeed doing as I thought, paper work.

"I have some stuff you have to sign, I'll leave it on your desk, alright? It has to be done for Friday... Well, you still have time, so don't overwork yourself" I smiled at Ningguang, putting down the contracts I had for her, and I saw as she smiled back.

"Thank you, sweetie" She chuckled.

"I'll ve leaving now, rest for a bit, won't you?" I said as I walked towards the door, I was about to leave when Ningguang stopped me.

"Wait, I've been working the whole day, and this is getting pretty boring... Won't you stay with me? I really enjoy your company" She suddenly spoke up.

"I... sure" I answered, kind of confused.

"Thank you... And about that thing you said about resting, I shall rest, by your side" Ningguang smiled as she got up and walked towards me, she then took my hand, and made me sit down on the little couch in her office. (Imagine there's a couch and stuff, this background is kind of made up)

"What's with you wanting to be so much by my side? N-Not that I mind! I'm just asking" I said, blushing a bit.

"Hm... Well, I don't know, I just think you are... Something else? I don't know if that's the expression I'm looking for" She laughed, giving me some tea.

I grabbed the cup of green tea, and looked onto the ground, "why does Lady Ningguang want to stay with me so badly?" I asked myself, I was deep in thought when I suddenly snapped out of it at the feeling of the white haired girl touching my hair.

"Haha... Did I scare you?" She smiled.

"Yes, a little bit" I laughed back.

"You know? Everything about you is so... Pretty, even your hair is gorgeous" She continued running her fingers through my hair as she smiled warmly at me.

"Thank you... I should be helping the other maids in the Jade chamber" I said, looking away.

I turned my head, facing the other way, until I felt as Ningguang grabbed my chin and made me face her.

"C'mon, stay with me" She got closer to me, and booped my nose.
"You are really cute when you are flustered" She laughed out.

"W-What" I didn't even realize I was blushing at Ningguang being so close to my face, I started to touch my cheeks, feeling as they warmed up even further.
"I didn't even realize I was blushing..." I muttered under my breath.

"That's really adorable" Ningguang complimented.

She suddenly sighed.

"What would you do, or say, if I asked you out on a date?" She asked out of nowhere.

I froze completely, what did she mean by that?

"I- why?" I was confused and a blushing mess at that point, I always knew Lady Ningguang was really direct, she didn't go around stuff, if she thought something, she said it, but that was too much.

"Its just a question" She continued with a wide smile.
"Tell me, would you accept me?"

"I... I mean... Yes? But that would never happen" I smiled awkwardly.

"And how do you know? Anything is possible" Ningguang was trying to tell me something, and I knew it, I was just too shy to admit it.

We stayed silent for a couple of seconds, and she got up from the small couch, and walked towards her desk.

"Well, I will continue with my work" She said.

"Ah, yes" I also got up to my feet and walked towards Ningguang.

"Thank you for keeping me company" She turned around, and kissed my cheek.

I blushed slightly, and smiled like an idiot.

"You could maybe spend more time with me, don't you think?" She asked me, I nodded with a smile.

"Well then, what about tonight? At 9PM, we can meet up, and have a nice dinner together, don't you think?" The white hair woman suggested.

"What?" I answered confused.

"I'm asking you if you want to go on a date with me, cutie" She chuckled.

"O-Oh! Y-Yeah!" I laughed awkwardly.

Ningguang laughed as well, and then planted a soft kiss on my lips.

"Do you like expensive restaurants?"

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