Chapter Two: The Good-looking Stranger

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After running like a madman, I eventually arrived at school. Thankfully I wasn't late. That would have been bad.

It was a hectic morning. The welcome ceremony; trying to navigate through a new school; all the stalls for the different clubs. I was still determined to fulfill my goal. I was going to find a sport. That would be the start.

After much deliberation, I chose Volleyball as my sport. There were a few new sign-ups from my year so, I at least wasn't going to be alone. Plus, it would be a good way to make new friends.

Feeling quite happy with myself, I sat at a bench outside to eat lunch. Especially since it was a nice day. There were different cliques. Many of whom are from the older years. Although, most people in my class knew each other from Elementary School. This of course left me at a disadvantage. But, it would be a challenge that I wanted. I didn't want to be at the same Middle School as my old classmates. I hated them, they made my life hell. I wanted a fresh start and by God was I going to take full advantage of it. Reinvent myself. A new me. A better me. A happier me.

"Hey, so, tell me about the new cute neighbour you texted me about..." said a girls voice from the bench behind me. This was followed by giggling. My ears purked up. Curious to hear who they were talking about.

"Well..." the other girl started. "He moved in, along with his parents, just over a week ago. He's tall and so handsome. Has lovely semi-long spikey hair. Gorgeous sapphire blue eyes. They were round for tea and all I could do was stare at those eyes. He goes to a different school, but, the upside is, his bedroom faces mine..."

"Have you peaked through the window?" The friend asked.

"...Maybe..." The other girl responded which was then followed by them both giggling.

"Tell me tell me!" The friend begs.

"Well, I saw him working out last night. I couldn't help but stare. The sit-ups, the push-ups. He was using dumbbells too. And he was topless!" The girl emphasised.

"And his body was..." The friend leaned.

"Beautiful!" The Girl declared.

I remember at that moment feeling a little flushed. My heart was beating a little faster. The description is almost a complete match. Was she describing my guy?

My guy? He's not my guy. He's not anything. Even though I wanted to go to a different school, I was suddenly overcome with the feeling of annoyance. Why did I choose a different school? Although, why was I asking myself that question?

Why was it bothering me?

This was not part of the plan. I was supposed to join a sports team, get muscles, attract the girls and get a girlfriend.

So why was I having this conversation with myself? Why was I suddenly feeling annoyance, jealousy that this random girl lives next to him and can see his bedroom? Why was I feeling jealous that he's going to the school I didn't even want to go to?

"Stop it!" I said slapping myself in the face. "Stick to the plan, idiot!" Although, after saying that, I realised that I said that a little too loud. The stares of confused students caused my face to turn a bright shade of red. I very quickly made my escape, not wishing to prolong that moment.

The first day was finally over. I just wanted to make my way home as quickly as possible and forget today. I couldn't get over at how I stupidly embarrassed myself. I wanted to forget. I just put my earphones in, turned my music on and just looked down. Didn't want to lock eyes on anyone. Didn't want to talk to anyone.

Well...that was the idea until I crashed right into someone because I wasn't looking where I was going. The force pushed them to the ground. I was so mortified. I remember bowing really low repeating how sorry I was...

"I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going! I'm sorry!" I repeated.

"It's alright! Don't worry about it! I wasn't looking either!" The voice chuckles.

"I still should've been watching where I was going! I'm sorry!" I said again.

"Stop apologising! It's fine, honestly! Can you stop bowing, please!" The voice urged.

'He has a strange accent!' I thought to myself. I straightened myself up to look the person in the eye and to my shock, as though fate planned this all along for its own entertainment, it was the one person I wasn't sure I wanted to see.

It was him!

And it's not that I hated him or anything. It was because of how I felt at the time when I met him for the first time. A strange feeling I didn't understand.

He looked at me with curiosity, before beaming that beautiful smile...

"Oh! It's you from this morning at the crossing!" He laughed.

I just nodded. Not saying a word.

There was a bit of an awkward silence. I didn't know what to say. I was too nervous and he felt it too.

"So...are you just starting Middle School?" He asked me.

I just nodded again. I couldn't seem to find my voice. I was lost in his eyes...again.

"Are you alright?" He asked with a confused expression.

"Yeah...Yeah, I'm...I'm fine!" I stuttered. "And yeah...first day...of Middle School. What about you?"

He looked at me with a cuisitive smile. "This is my 2nd year at Middle School. But, it was my first day at that school. I just moved here a couple of weeks ago." He responded.

"Where are you from?" I asked, managing to regain my voice.

"I'm from Nara. We moved here because my Dad got a job on the Board of Directors at Haneda Airport and wanted to live close-by." He explained.

"Wow! That explains the accent then. You're from Kansai! Quite far from Nara then." I said.

"I hate it!" He grumbled. His expression becoming low. "I miss my old school, my friends. I miss Nara!"

"I'm sorry! Must be awful!" I replied.

"It's fine! I'll get use to it. I quite like Tokyo. Always wanted to go to Akihabara!" He said with his smile reappearing.

"Oh! You like Manga and Anime?" I asked, suddenly desperate to keep the conversation going.

"Oh yeah! I love all that!" He responded with a hint of embarrassment in his voice. It was a little cute actually.

"Me too!" I chuckled.

"Nice! Maybe we could go to Akihabara together sometime!" He said with that big, beaming smile.

"That'd be great!" I answered.

He just smiled at me, which made me feel a bit red in the face.

The conversation seemed to come to a halt after that. My mind went completely blank.

"Well...I better go!" He said breaking the silence.

"Oh...OK!" I answered. I was actually trying to desperately think of something else to say wasn't happening. He already started to walk away. I just stood there, frozen. Why couldn't I think of anything?

I turned to look at him as he walked away. He then turned round to face me and said:

"I'll see you tomorrow at the Crossing!" He declared with a light chuckle before continuing on his way.

I couldn't answer. I was too busy concentrating on not getting all embarrassed again.

Too many thoughts were going round my head, again: Why does he make me feel this way? What does it all mean? I don't even know him! He's a total stranger! Yet, he makes me feel nervous and tingly. That's twice that I've had butterflies in my stomach.

I kept thinking about his beautiful eyes and gorgeous smile and how I got all embarrassed.

This is...such a strange feeling...

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