Chapter Twenty Four: A Run For Dear Life

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I was...shocked.

I never thought Asahi would say those things to me. I never thought he would yell at me like that.

I never thought I'd...fear him.

He told me to get out. I was sure there and then that it was over.

Part of me in that moment was angry with myself. Knowing that I should've kept my mouth shut. I foresaw an argument but...I didn't expect this. Not at this level. He was so angry. He was so scary. I was crying...not only because of the situation. I was crying out of fear. I slowly started taking steps backwards. My eyes were fixated on him...maintaining a fighting stance. I was almost scared of turning my back to him. As though...I was scared he would attack me if I turned away.

I continued to slowly back away and closed his bedroom door.

I was convinced that that was it. I regretted my actions and I was now to live with that consequence. I could've just died right there.

My sight was all blurry. The tears watering my vision. I reached out, trying to feel for the banister to assist me down the stairs. Whimpering and wounded, I slowly made my way down the stairs.

"Hideki!" Asahi shouted from behind the door.

My heart started to race. Was he ready for round 2? I had to leave. I had to leave quickly. I was in complete fear. Still blurry eyed, I picked up the pace. I only had a couple of steps left, then I just had to run down the straight hallway towards the door and make a run for it. Forget about the shoes. They were replaceable. My safety was more important.

The bedroom door burst open as I reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Hideki!" Asahi shouted again.

I started to run. I needed to escape. I could hear him running after me. The hallway seemed endless. My heart beating harder and faster. The adrenaline was kicking in.

"Hideki!!" He shouted again. He was closing the gap between us.

The door was within reach. Just a couple of inches more to reach the handle. I just needed to grab it.



I stretched and grabbed the handle and pushed it down.

But Asahi slammed his hands against the door stopping me from opening it.

I was shaking. What was he going to say? What was he going to do?

I slowly turned round to face him. Expecting to see anger and hatred, but...what I was greeted with was sadness and despair.

Instead of the angered embodiment I had seen before, there was an empty, frail shell before me. His eyes full of anger and hate were replaced with eyes of frailty and fear.

"Hi...deki..." He gasped.

We just stared at each other. Unsure of what to do.

Eventually, Asahi broke down. Falling to his knees, he wrapped his arms around my legs.

"Hideki! I'm so sorry!" He blubbered. "I don't know what happened. I couldn't control myself. I said such awful things but I couldn't stop myself. I know you're not conspiring against me. I know you would never do that. I can't explain nor understand why I said what I said. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. My love, my everything. You're all I care about and I treated you so bad. I vowed that I would never do that. That I'd always protect you. But...I failed. I broke that promise. I'm sorry!"

I just stood there. Listening to him cry. It unexplainable moment. A few seconds ago, I was running like my life depended on it. Now, all I wanted to do was hug him and hold him close. I shimmied down to my knees so, I could be eye level with him. He wouldn't look at me. He was ashamed of himself. I placed my hand under his chin and raised his head so, he would look me in the eyes. The fear and sadness evident on his face was terrifying in itself. I had never seen him so vulnerable.

"I'm scared!" He blubbered.

"You need to tell me everything." I said calmly.

He nodded, finally admitting defeat.

I leaned over and wrapped my arms around him and squeezed him tight. Making him feel loved.

He squeezed me back, and started to cry. He had held it together for so long. Holding back his emotions. Trying to stay strong. He was now extremely vulnerable. An empty shell.

As his boyfriend, I needed to do all that I could to build him back up.

Because of how much I loved him, I was willing to do anything.

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