Chapter Four: He's Just A Person!

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Well, tryouts didn't quite go well. I completely flaked. However, luckily for me, not many people turned up so, I got taken on. Although, I had to prove myself very quickly in order to secure my place. I felt a bit embarrassed. I fumbled the ball...alot...and I mean a lot. I had to train very very hard and I needed all the help I could get.

His offer to help me came into my head at that point. I bluntly dismissed that thought. Although, I didn't really have a legitimate reason not to. He was being kind and offered to help me. Why shouldn't I ask him? I wasn't sure if I'd feel comfortable though. I'd need to think about it. Especially since he'd ask me how the tryouts went. I'd decide tomorrow.

While this was going through my head, I was actually walking home. The streets were pretty quiet. There was only the noise of cars on the main road and one or two pedestrians. There was also a runner heading in my direction.

"Oh damn!" I exclaimed. I knew exactly who that jogger was before he was even clear to make out. "Every time! Every damn time I think about him, he turns up! I need to stop having these thoughts outside."

I continued to walk until he was clearer. I could hear his gasps of exhaustion getting louder. He was actually looking down as he ran. It was actually a little weird. It would make sense to look forward as you ran. I think part of me was hoping it would mean he wouldn't see me.

"Oh hey!"

Then again, maybe not. I couldn't help but look him up and down. He was certainly fitter than me. Nice toned legs. And his torso. Wow! His t-shirt was fitted so, I could see the outline of a toned body, covered in sweat. How could a 13 year old (or well, might be 14 depending on his birthday, I didn't know at that point) be so toned!? How the hell was that possible? I didn't know it was possible. Then again, he did say he'd been playing Volleyball since he was young so, that could be the reason. Still though, it was making me nervous, as well as feeling a bit inadequate looking at him.

"Well? How did the tryouts go?" He asked with enthusiasm.

"Well, I got in." I replied a little bit solemnly.

"That's fantastic! Congratulations!" He cheered.

"Yeah I guess." I said quietly.

"What's wrong? You don't seem that happy about it." He said looking quite deep at me.

"I totally flaked though. I only got in because hardly anyone turned up and the coach said that if I wanted to stay, I'd need to improve physically, and quickly." I explained. Almost ashamed.

"Well, we will just have to improve you physically then so you can stay on the team!" He declared.

"We?" I enquired.

"Yes!" He responded with authority. "I'm going to help you!"

"Wh-why?" I stuttered.

"Because it's your goal and I already told you I'd help you!"
He said that with complete confidence. I just thought to myself why. Why would he help me? He doesn't know me, he owes me nothing.

"But why? I'm just a stranger. You don't know me!" I quizzed, curious about his answer.

"Well, we will just have to change that then, won't we!?" He announced before giving a cheeky wink at me.

I tried so hard not to produce an embarrassing smile. It really made my heart race.

"Are you alright?" He questioned.

"Yeah I'm fine!" I grunted. "Just tired."

"Oh of course! Tryouts are brutel!" He laughed. "I'll let you get home, and I need to finish my run. We can hammer out the details tomorrow!"

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