Chapter Twenty Six: How Even...I

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It had been a couple of weeks since that day. Things at home hadn't improved but Asahi was a bit better. I think it was because he wasn't trying to hide it anymore. Talking about it seemed to have helped him cope a bit better. It was still completely out of order how his dad was treating him, but, we couldn't figure out what to do. He wasn't allowed to go out but I was allowed to visit. I still couldn't understand why. I wasn't complaining, of course, I just...found it weird. Why was I the exception? What reason did they have? I mean, we did study together alot (well, I say "study") so, unless that was the reason. I don't know. The whole situation was insane.

I was going over to his house to study. Seriously, we were going to be studying this time. He needed to prepare for entrance exams and let's just say...he was bottling it. He needed help. Least it was great practice for when it was my turn.

I wandered what was going to happen with that. Would his dad place heavy restrictions on that? Would he be able to break free while at University? What if his dad made him go to a University far away? Was I going to lose him?

I don't want to lose him. But...if he actually wanted to go to a University far away, I wouldn't want to stop him. I wouldn't want to be in his way, if that was what he wanted.

All this gave me a headache.

When he greeted me at the door, he seemed a bit lighter. Chipper. I didn't sense the invisible mask like I had before. He still wasn't happy, but, I don't know, he still seemed more positive.

We went up to his room to set up for the study session. His room was a complete mess. Textbooks and bits of paper everywhere. Evidence of his failed attempts. Don't get me wrong, Asahi wasn't lazy or stupid. He just sometimes needed a bit of help to focus and someone to bounce ideas off of. It was actually pretty cute how he got flustered and frustrated when he couldn't make sense of something.

We first tackled the parts he was having difficulty with. Again, Asahi wasn't stupid. As soon as a little bit of an explanation was given, he was able to answer the questions without any help. He was going to be fine, in my opinion. It was a case of overthinking and overcomplicating the questions.

After several hours of studying, we decided to finish up for the day. He had worked really hard but he was getting tired. So was I, to be honest. We decided that we were going to watch a film. Although...he wanted to make-out.

"I've been wanting to kiss you all day..." He complained.

I just laughed at that. He was like a little puppy. So much restrain. You'd think he was chained or something.

", since I worked hard today...can I kiss you?"

"Why are you asking for permission?" I laughed.

"Because I knew you'd say no while we were studying." He replied.

He looked at me with innocent eyes. But I knew he wasn't innocent. I knew not to fall for those eyes. He's trying to be cute...and he was succeeding.

I leaned over and kissed his lips. He wrapped his arms tightly around my waist and pulled me close. He tasted so good. I could've just eaten him. Our hands were tightening their grips around our bodies. Travelling up and down our backs. His hands running through my hair...

"What is going on!?"

I quickly turned around to see Asahi's dad standing at the doorway, with an extremely angry look on his face. The door was closed. I didn't even hear him coming up the stairs, let alone open the door.

"Well!?" He said with anger.

Both of us hadn't moved. We were frozen. Petrified. Asahi was shaking. I didn't even need to look at his face, or guess how he was feeling. I knew fine well what was going through his mind.


"So this is the reason!? This is why you ruined everything that we planned? You were...being disgusting with...that!?"

That hurt like a bullet to the heart. More or less calling our relationship disgusting. Calling me...that. I couldn't believe it.

"Dad. That's not a fair thing to say..." Asahi said standing up and pulling me to my feet. He took a step forward so, that I was behind him. Keeping a tight grasp of my hand. "...this isn't disgusting!"

"It is disgusting! It's against God! It's against nature! I can't believe I trusted that thing! Let it into my house!"

"Stop insulting my boyfriend!"

"Boyfriend!? Ugh...disgusting!"

"Stop it!" Asahi shouted. His body quaking. Full of anger. Full of hatred. I was so frightened. What was his dad going to do?

"We will have a proper discussion about this. We will discuss what your family expectations are and we will be on the same page once and for all!" His Dad declared.

"No! You will not dictate my life. My life is not yours to use. It's not for you to choose or decide. It's my life! I decide what happens. NOT YOU!"

His dad stood there. The anger building. He was going to explode.

"You will not speak to me that way! I'm doing all this for you! I'm doing this so you can have a good life. You will thank me one day!"

"I have a good life! Hideki is a great person and I love him!"

"Love!? This isn't love! It's an abomination! This thing has corrupted you!"

"STOP INSULTING MY BOYFRIEND!" Asahi screamed. His voice echoing out the window.

I really wished I wasn't there. It was so frightening. His dad was so scary and intimidating. Asahi was scary too. I just stood there. Completely powerless.

"Asahi?" His Mum quietly interjected behind his dad. "I think it's best that Hideki leave for the moment."

"But Mum!" Asahi protested.

"Asahi! We're not going to solve anything while emotions are running high. Hideki is clearly frightened by what's happening and it's probably best that he is removed from this situation while we talk in the livingroom." She ushered his Dad while saying that. A humanitarian corridor was created. This was the opportunity.

Asahi was silent. He clearly wasn't sure what to say. I felt that it was a trap but, I couldn't comment really. He looked at me with sorrowful eyes. "She's right. I don't want you here to witness this."

"But..." I stuttered.

"I know what you're going to say. But...I need to stand up to him. I need to fight this battle. I don't want you to see this. I don't want you to be scared."

"Asahi! Of course I'm scared. I'm scared at what he'll say or do!" I cried.

"I know. But, I promise you. It'll all be fine. I'll message you later." He said kissing me on the lips.

It was like I was sending him off to war. I had this niggling feeling that I was never going to see him again. It sounded silly but...that's how I felt. This wasn't going to be a simple 'wait till things blow over'. This was never going to blow over.

I knew that I'd never walk through his front door again. But...what will this mean for our relationship?

Was this the end?

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