Chapter Eighteen: Date Number One

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It was a dull Saturday morning. I was standing outside Anamoriinari Train Station. Something which I had done many, many times. Waiting for Asahi. I had gotten there a little early because I was too excited, but, he hadn't arrived yet. It was 10 minutes or so before the time we agreed. It was fairly quiet, which was strange for a Saturday. Anamoriinari isn't an extremely busy place. It is mostly residential but normally there would be a few people around. Especially heading to the station to go into central Tokyo. The weather may have played a part. It wasn't raining and the forecast didn't say anything about rain. In fact, it was supposed to get brighter by the afternoon. I know it didn't matter but...just thought it was weird. Perhaps everyone else was waiting till it brightened up. The weather didn't matter to me, though. I was being with Asahi today, regardless of the weather. I was curious at what he had planned. I had been thinking about it since the night before. It was driving me crazy.

"Well good morning, handsome!" Said Asahi as he wrapped his arms round me from behind. He actually made me jump a little. I had no idea he was there. It was a good thing no people were around. Although, he probably wouldn't have done it if there were. Regardless, I loved it.

"Morning!" I replied. "You're right on time."

"Hehe!" He snickered giving me a light peck on the cheek before letting go.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"You bet!" I answered.

With that, we walked into the station to head for the train. We boarded the next train that arrived. We took our seats as the train headed for Shinagawa. The train was a little busy. The trains on the Keikyu Line start from Haneda International Airport so, there were tourists from around the world as well as locals returning home. I looked over at Asahi who instantly looked back at me and smiled. Gosh! His smile could melt butter.

"So, are you going to tell me the plan? Are we going to Akihabara?" I asked.

"No. That's what we always do." He replied.

"I thought you liked our trips to Akihabara?" I responded.

"Of course I do, but today's different. This isn't two friends doing their regular visit to Akihabara. This is our first official date so, I want to do something different." He explained.

"Ah! I see!" I answered. He made a fair point. He would've told me already if that's what we were doing. Clearly he had something different planned. It was silly of me to think otherwise.

We arrived at Shinagawa. I just followed Asahi, curious where we were going. We turned onto the platform for the Yamanote Line. That in itself isn't unusual. That was the Line we would take to Akihabara. Except, this was the outer loop so, it was going in the opposite direction. I was born and raised in Tokyo. I should know this city like the back of my hand, but I was drawing a complete blank. Where could we possibly be going?

We boarded the train that arrived at the platform. It was a bit quieter than the other train. Trains going in the opposite direction of Tokyo Station and Akihabara tended to be quieter.

"OK! Give me a clue at least!" I pleaded. I needed something.

He thought for a moment. Although, I knew he was toying with me.

"We're changing at Ikebukuro. That's all I'm telling you for now." He said with a wild smirk on his face.

Ikebukuro? I thought to myself. What's there that would be classed as special? I really couldn't figure it out. I mean, let's be honest. I wasn't going to really care about what it was. I just really wanted to know what it was going to be. Although, he probably knew that it was driving me insane. He was probably banking on it.

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