Jacob is back in a new adventure, follow him and his friends/girlfriends on their adventure where they fight bad guys, win badges, catch pokemon and get more girlfriends. Let's hope the world is ready, cause it's fighting time
I want to thank JeAnnSongfor helping me write this chapter
Our heroes were now relaxing by a lake, right now, jacob, bluey, lanturn and octillery were swimming in the lake
Jacob: hahaha this is great
Just then the heard something
Jacob: huh?
They turned around and saw this guy
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Corphish: male
He was right now Striking a rock
He then struck the rock one more time as it shattered
Corphish: haha take that!
Jacob: uhh hi there
Corphish turned and saw jacob
Corphish: huh, what are you doing in my lake
Jacob: Your lake?
Corphish: yes, my lake, i'm the only one who lives in it, everyone else got caught or ran off
Jacob: and what about you
Corphish: well a lot of trainers have tried to catch me but they were all chumps, none were worthy enough to catch me, so I just stay here and wait for the next trainer to try to catch me
Jacob: I see, so what kind of trainer are you looking for?
Corphish: I want a trainer who's strong, someone who can allow me to use my full potential, but so far no one has been able to
Jacob: I see, well what about me
Corphish: you?
Jacob: yeah, im a strong trainer, you can join me
Corphish: well it's tempting, but I can't just join you, I want to see how strong you are, tell you want, let's have a battle, if you win, I'll join your team
Jacob: fine by me, let's do this, it's fighting time!
Small timeskip
Jacob and corphish launched towards each other, corphish used crabhammer as his pinchers glowed white
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Jacob: arm thrust!
Jacob's hands glowed multiple shades of blue. They both unleashed a bunch of strikes at each other, jacob managed to find an opening and punched corphish in the chest and sent him flying, corphish managed to landed on a rock
Corphish: let's do this!
Corphish jumped up and launched a bubble beam attack, Corphish opened his pincers and fired multicolored bubbles
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Jacob jumped out of the way
Jacob: hammer arm!
Jacob's hand turned light blue as it took the form of a hammer
Corphish jumped out of the way as s jacob struck the rock and destroyed it, corphish then launched an aqua jet, corphish body became surrounded by water as he launched himself like a rocket at jacob, corphish slammed himself into Jacob's stomach
Jacob:(groaning) hammer arm!
Jacob's arms formed into hammers as he slammed them into corphish which sent him into the water
Jacob: had enough
Corphish: not yet
Corphish created a large wave of water as he rode on top of it
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Jacob: sky uppercut!
Jacob up into the air as his fist flowed light blue
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Jacob managed to get to the top of the wave and uppercut corphish in the face
Corphish: ahhhhh
Corphish crashed landed into a rock
Jacob then swam towards him and healed him up
Corphish: That was amazing! That was the best battle I ever had in my entire life
Jacob: I'm glad you like this, I guess this means that you'll be joining my team
Corphish: of course, I'm glad that I get to join your team but I was wondering if you could let me stay out of my pokeball
Jacob: sure
Corphish: wonderful
Jacob then successfully caught corphish and then summoned him