Chapter 241: Disguise Da Limit part 2: semifinals battle round

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I want to thank JackDroid and Ghostzaiko for helping me write this chapter

Vivian: welcome back to the second round, contest battles, victory is awarded to the contestant who in 5 minutes can take away more of his or her opponents points, first up we have jacob vs grace

Jacob and grace got on stage

Jacob: alright octillery let's win this match

Octillery: Yes! As Long as My Skin is Red, and My Mouth is A Sniping weapon! I WILL NOT LET YOU DOWN!

Jacob: perfect

Grace: go medicham

Grace summoned her medicham

Jacob: ahh yes been awhile since i saw your medicham but i know it's strategy so I hope you got a new one up your sleeve

Grace: Right, I got some! Now Go Mechicham Use Thunder Punch!

Medicham's hand glowed yellow with yellow sparks as she charged towards octillery

Jacob: dodge it octillery

Octillery jump up just in time

Jacob: constrict octillery

Octillery landed on medicham and wrapped his tentacles around her face causing grace to lose some points

Vivian: Oh Wow, he is using Octillery's Natural Physiology to win the Battle! How Impressive!

Grace: Alright Medicham Pin him down with Confusion!

Medicham used confusion has octillery became outlined in light blue energy and was suddenly pinned down to the ground and was unable to move

Octillery: Okay I have no Bones but I can feel them being crushed

Jacob: octillery stop her concentration with screech

Octillery opened his mouth as the inside glowed white, he then fired a light blue cylinder beam from his mouth at medicham, the beam released a loud screeching noise that cause medicham to stop confusion as she covered her ears, this cause grace to lose more points

Vivian: It Looks like Octillery had stopped Medicham's Concentration and Now she has fallen back leaving her wide open

Jacob: perfect, octillery use scald

Octillery launched boiling water from his mouth at medicham causing medicham to gain the burn status making grace drop a lot

Jacob: haha good luck now grace, time is almost up

Grace: Right. Time for the hail Mary! Medicham use Hi Jump kick!

Medicham jumped up and she began to fall towards octillery

Jacob: octillery use haze

Octillery released a thick black smoke from his mouth that covered the stage, octillery used it as cover as he moved out of the way which caused medicham to hit the ground doing damage to her and caused grace to lose more points, once medicham got up she began looking for octillery in the smoke

Grace: Oh Geez! There goes my Hail Mary...

Jacob: now octillery use bounce!

Octillery jumped high into the air and came down and struck medicham with a super effective bounce which got rid of all her points ending the match

Vivian: Looks Like the son of the Blue goddess has won once again!

Jacob: woo yes!

Octillery: Yeah! This Was awesome!

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