chapter 250: Cruisin' For a Losin'

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I want to thank JackDroid and Ghostzaiko for helping me write this chapter

It was the next day and the pokemon Rubello contest was about to begin

And right now our fellow coordinators, jacob, may, janet, grace, Abby and savannah are in the waiting room

Jacob: oh yeah this is gonna be great, *to mawile and bluey* you two excited for this

Bluey happily nods his head as mawile throws her hands up in excitement

mawile:Yeah! I can't wait how it goes!

Jacob: Alright guys here's the plan, you'll do the appeal round while you mawile will do the battle round.

mawile:Sounds good.

Jacob:*to the girls* so girls you excited for this

May:Yeah, I can't wait for this contest with Bulbasaur!

Jacob: Are you sure she is ready for this?

May: Oh, Of course Im ready, Jeez you don't need to be all worried for me, I've done this alot by now!

Jacob: you've only done three contests

May:Still, I know well enough so i don't get babied around like a lost child!

Jacob: okay if you say so

Meanwhile at Jacob's house

Jacob's parent and his other girlfriends who didn;t join the adventurers were getting ready

Lorelei: Oh it seems like the contest is about to begin in a few more minutes, I wonder how this contest will end.

Erika: It seems so, now that Jacob had chosen his Mawile, as well as bluey, but I wonder what combinations they have come up with.

Back to the contest

Vivan got up to the stage

Vivan: welcome to today's contest everyone now remember this is a level R1 competition every coordinator must already have at least one ribbon, so you can bet we're gonna see some top notch coordinators today and right now let's introduce our panel of three judges all experts starting with the head judge Contesta

Mr. Contesta: hi vivan

Vivan: Sukizo president of the pokemon fan club

Mr. Sukizo: glad to be here today.

Vivan: and our very own nurse Joy from rubello town

Nurse joy: thank you for having me here

Vivian: and as always i'm your host contest vivan

The crowd was cheering as everyone was having a good time, ghost then arrived with his pokemon

Ghost:Ok, got here in time, ok check time, Eevee?





Larvitar:Lar! Lar!(here, here!)

Ghost: blue slug.

Bluey:*bluey noises*


Jarjaja then appeared and took bluey

Jarjaja: I'll be taking him back good to have you here ghost

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