Chapter 248: Grass Hysteria

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I want to thank JackDroid for helping me write this chapter

Our heroes were now in some kinda forest where they were completely lost

Jacob: well we are officially lost

Max checked his poke radar but it kept saying out of area

Max: and i can;t even get a signal

Jacob: great were stuck here in unmarked territory, this could be bad news

Brock: Well I Guess we Just have to rough it. Now I know that Moss Points towards Civilization

May: I don't think it does Brock

Jacob: yeah

Brock:*checking the compass* that;s strang the compass is acting weird and i can't find this place on the map

Max: Maybe we're over An Iron deposit. That makes sense

Jacob: that ain't good for us, now won't know how to get out of here

May:*scared* im not liking this place can we just get out of here

Jacob: im working on that, maybe if i get get to higher groud i can see if theres a village or something nearby

He began to climb up a tree but all see saw at the top was forest land

Jacob: damn nothing but forest as the eye can see

May: Do you see anything else? Like Roads? Rivers? Something that can lead to Civilization?

Jacob: no, just trees, tress and more trees

May: Well We're Lost

Max: Hey Jacob can talk to Pokemon right? Then Maybe he can ask some for Directions

Jacob: let me see if i can find one *goes off looking around*

Meanwhile in a tree a Skarmory was eyeing may's skitty

Skarmory: mmm time for a snack

It then burst out of the tree

Skarmory: food!

May: Skitty watch out!

Skitty was Just Not Paying attention.

Skitty: Mew?

May crated to cover her but Skarmory just grabbed both of them as it flew off with them

Jacob: holy crap may!

Skarmory: haha two meals in one day

Jacob: im coming for you may *runs off with his pokemon behind him*

May: Someone Help me! I'm Not Bird food! Don't Take Skitty!

Jacob:*running after her* im coming may

May: Try Hopping from Tree to Tree! Then you can Grab him!

Jacob did just that as he almost grab her but he hit some kind of giant bamboo gate as he slid down.

Skarmory: HAHAHAHAHA! Sucker!

Jacob:*sliding down* ow...

Jacob's pokemon arrived

Budew: Papa are you Okay?

Jacob: I'm fine sweetie daddie just has to heal for about a few second then he's back up

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