chapter 187: evoultion time 3

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I want to thank JackDroid for helping me write this chapter

After the first gym battle, marshomp was hanging out with torchic, treecko, the two wurmples, poochyena, lotad, seedot and slakoth

Marshomp: Man It feels great evolving guys, I mean I feel so much stronger, Also I now have an immunity to electric type attacks

Treecko:reecko: But you need to watch out because your now 4x weak to grass type attacks

Marshtomp: Touche

Torchic: I can't wait to evolve! I'll be part fighting

Wurmple 1: Yeah, I wanna be A Beautiful butterfly

Wurmple 2:Beauty is underrated I wanna be Cool

Wurmple 1: Yeah, Says You

Lotad: Does anyone else feel close to evolving because I am

Seedot: Oh Yeah, I'll be so strong soon, I Can Just feel it

Slakoth:(sigh) to be honest me evolving isn't on my mind right now (yawning)

Poochyena: Eh, You're Just A Wimp, I wanna be strong, I wanna show people what for, No One will ever doubt me again

Marshtomp: No One ever did

Poochyena: And they won't after I evolve

Jacob: hey guys what going on

Marshstomp: We're talking about evolution

Slakoth: I don't the energy for that (Yawn) Wake me up when It Happens

Jacob: you mean you can't to use the energy correct

Slakoth: (Yawn) I don't know what that Means, But Okay

Jacob:(sigh) what about you guys

Torchic: Oh Amazing, I wanna be all Big anf strong, and so does everyone else

Pokemon: Yeah!

Jacob: okay let's train


Jacob and his pokemon (except slakoth) were working out

Jacob: keep it up guys, we're almost done

Treecko: Great, I'm sweating up A Storm, does anyone got any water?

Marshomp: Here ya go

Marshomp sprain water in his face

Treecko: That better not be your spit

Marshtomp: I Promise it's not

Slakoth:(yawning while staring at them) Hey, You guys finished yet? I'm getting tired watching you

Torchic: Come on you need to Train

Slakoth: I would but that includes effort

Lotad: come on You lazy sloth, do something

Poochyena: Yeah, it can't be that hard

Slakoth: Fine, I think I will (Yawn) Hiya

He throws A weak Punch into the Air

Wurmple 1: Okay, That's Just Lazy

Wurmple 2: And I thought we were slow, and I mean in A Lazy way

Seedot: Hey, I don't have arms and I can Punch better than him

Slakoth: you wanted me to work out and I did

Torchic: Look Inside of you what do you see?

Slakoth: Myself sleeping

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