Chapter 238: Delcatty Got Your Tongue

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I want to thank Ghostzaiko and JackDroid for helping me write this chapter

Our heroes were now training for gym battles and for the next contest

Brock: so may, are you excited for your next pokemon contest

May: yes and excited about my next ribbon too

Jacob: im glad you are, I already know who im using for this contest, octillery

Octillery: Oh Great, My First contest

Jacob: great im glad your excited, now at the same time i need to train my other pokemon for the next contest, but which pokemon should i bring back

Jacob then pulled out a ton of pokeballs

Jacob: this maybe harder than i thought

Max: Well you do have A Ton of them

Jacob: i can i say, i got a big family, let's see your dad is normal type for sure, so i think I'll take *picks up a pokeball* this one

Jacob then summoned poliwrath

Poliwrath: Hey, I'm Back! What's Up?

Jacob: good to see you again poliwrath, i need your help training some of the other pokemon for my next gym

Poliwrath: Don't worry I can put them all into fighting shape!

Blastoise: poli good to see you again!

Poliwrath: My Dude, it's too long since we worked together, This'll be fun

Blastoise: boss can you bring back charizard, he's been training a lot lately and he's been waiting for you to call him back

Jacob: alright *pick up Charizard's pokeball* he was always great in battle, so let's see how much his training paid off

Jacob summoned charizard as he let out a roar and breathed fire

Charizard: YEAH! I am Pumped! I haven't been used since Johto!

Jacob: good to see you to charizard, been training as usual

Charizard: Oh That's Great, I see we got some of the old gang back together

Jacob: most of it, anyway go train the others with poliwrath

Small timeskip

While poliwrath and charizard were training the hoenn pokemon, jacob, may, jessie, grace and jasmine were training their pokemon for the contest

Jacob: hey where's Courtney? she said she was gonna compete in this one

Courtney: I'm here! I Was Just training my Pokemon

She revealed her ninetales which shocked some of the others

Jacob: woah, when and where did you get a ninetales those things are rare?

Courtney: I have my Ways

Jacob: i see, looks like the competition just got tougher, don't expect me to hold back on you

Courtney: I didn't expect you would

Jacob: i never hold back on anything, anyway may are you sure you want to use skitty for your next contest?

May:Yep, I have been Training her A Lot since last time

Jacob: yeah but last time i check the best move she know is assist and that move can be unpredictable, it can make you or break you

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