Jacob is back in a new adventure, follow him and his friends/girlfriends on their adventure where they fight bad guys, win badges, catch pokemon and get more girlfriends. Let's hope the world is ready, cause it's fighting time
I want to thank Ghostzaikofor helping me write this chapter
Our heroes were now in a mountain pass
Jacob: I can't believe we have to go through these mountains to get to our destination.
Sabrina:Hey, it will be better than having no way to the destination.
Jacob: I guess.
Meanwhile heracross, beautifly, celebi, ninjask were flying in the air having fun, but on the ground bluey was watching the pokemon who were flying in the air as he wished he was up their, jacob noticed this
Jacob:(sigh) come here buddy.
Jacob picked him up and placed him on his back
Jacob: Maybe one day bluey.
Heracross:it's all good buddy you gotta just wait later on.
Jacob: Let's try.
Jacob held him out
Jacob: fly buddy fly!
Bluey began to flap its limbs like a bird but nothing happened.
Jacob: adorable, but still can't fly.
Ninjask:ay man it's better he gets some wings man or maybe use air gusts to flap better.
Jacob: I don't know if he can get wings. I mean I still don't even know what he is actually but all his life he wanted to fly but he can't, little guy just doesn't have wings, such a shame.
Celebi:I mean true but do you see rayquaza? He's a giant flying serpent,then there's both palkia and dialga.
Jacob: Well my uncles are gods so they got the power to fly, in the meantime I give him the occasional piggyback ride and it cheers him up.
Heracross:yep,Well let's keep on walking.
They kept walking when suddenly some small rocks fell in front of them, they then looked up and saw this pokemon
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Jacob: hey it's a bagon, these things are rare actually, they bash themselves against rock until their heads become as hard as steel.
May: Well, its head looks strong anyway.
Max: Yeah, and a Skull Bash from that height would squish us all like pancakes.
Jacob: most of us.
May: (nervous) Thanks a lot Max! Trying to scare us?!
Brock: It's true, wild Pokemon do sometimes attack unexpectedly.
(Then the Bagon jumped off the cliff using its Heabutt, with a big roar)