chapter 230: come what may! The finals, jacob vs kris

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I want to thank Ghostzaiko and JackDroid for helping me write this chapter

It was now the final match of the fallarbor contest

Vivian: alrighty folks, welcome to the final matchup of the fallarbor contest, as you know may from group 1 is one of our winners for today and this match will decide who shall join her, for this final match up we have kris and jacob jackson

Both coordinators got on stage as the crowd went wild

In Jacob's house

Jewel: Yes! Here it goes! My Babies are gonna Win! YES! YES! YES!

She then Flipped the couch with Arceus still on it in her excitement!

Arceus: ow, honey i'm still under here!

Jewel: Oh Sorry Dear!

Jewel lifted up the couch

Lyra: Wow, I can't Believe Kris has gone this Far, She might actually win this!

Domino: I doubt it though, Jacob never ever lost A Fight before.

Matori: The odds of jacob winning this match is 100%.


On the stage

Jacob: Here we are, budew, the final fight, you ready for this sweetie.

Budew: Of course Daddy! I have the Type or Something like that.

Jacob: You ready for this kris.

Kris:Oh of course! Come on out Wani-Wani!

Kris summoned her feraligatr which was huge as budew looked up

Budew: Uh Daddy, I'm A Little Scared!

Jacob: yeah I don't blame you but a green space creature once told me "size matters not" you got this sweetie.

kris:Well then you've got to prepare for the unexpected!

Jacob: we're prepared for anything right budew!

Budew: Yeah!

Vivian: Alright now, let the match begin!

Kris:Alright Let's start off with SURF!

Wani-Wani summoned a huge wave as he rode on it towards budew

Jacob: budew go up with grass knot!

Budew summoned a grass knot under her that wrapped around her and launched her upwards over the wave

Budew: weeeee!

Vivian:Oh my what a great move to avoid the surf!

Kris:Well Let's not give in, go with Aqua jet!

Wani-Wani body became surrounded by water as he launched himself like a rocket into the air towards budew

Jacob: oh no you don't, stop it with extrasensory

Budew launched an extrasensory which stopped Wani-Wani in mid air before he could hit her

Kris: what!?

Jacob: slam him down budew!

Budew then slammed Wani-Wani back to the ground as budew landed back down safely which caused kris to lose points

Vivan:oh MY it seems that wani wani has been slammed!

Kris:Cmon and use Ice fang wani-wani!!

Wani-Wani's fangs became covered in light blue icy energy as he charged towards budew

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