chapter 221: ghost's journey 1

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I want to thank Ghostzaiko for helping me write this chapter

After jacob and ghost defeated hansen, we see ghost heading in the woods of the mirage kingdom when zargo called him

Zargo:(phone) general ghost do you read me?

ghost:Yep what is it zargo?

Zargo: I haven't heard back from Hansen, what's happening there?1

ghost:Oh That bag of dicks thought he would betray the deal and went all god complex so he got absolutely annihilated by the poke man and now he's in jail want me to take his ass out real quick?

Zargo: not yet, first get me to where he is, i got somethings to say to him, then you can kill him!

Ghost:Oh Alrighty then. *Smirks*


We now see hansen in a jail suit in a prison cell when ghost came in disguised as a guard

Hansen:What is it you worm!


Ghost grabbed hansen and held him against the wall as he brought zargo up on speaker

Zargo: Well look what we have here, you really thought you could betray be hansen?

hansen:What is it that you want worm!

Zargo: what I want HA you got nothing i even remotely want, I got you cash and that's all, it's your fault you ended up here.

hansen:Oh Really then why did this bastard betray both me and you!

Zargo: I know ghost, he would never betray me, besides why should i trust a weak colonel like you, our deal is gone, have fun with him ghost! *hangs up*

ghost:WOOO! TIME TO ENJOY FUCKING DEATH BITCH!*proceeds to shoot hansen in the head*

ghost:WOOO! TIME TO ENJOY FUCKING DEATH BITCH!*proceeds to shoot hansen in the head*

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Ghost:Ah. Now that felt fucking good. Now then Time for a lunch break off into the forest to see what I can do!


Ghost was now having some lunch in the forest while talking to zargo on the phone

Zargo: Is the deed done?

ghost:Well i wouldn't be calling now wouldn't I?

Zargo: Alright, here's the plan, when you're done with your lunch, I want you to follow that poke boy, see where he's going.

Ghost:got it bossman! Now then let's see what to do for the meantime!*begins to walk around


On top of a building ghost spying on jacob and his crew, he sees them going on a blimp

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