Jacob is back in a new adventure, follow him and his friends/girlfriends on their adventure where they fight bad guys, win badges, catch pokemon and get more girlfriends. Let's hope the world is ready, cause it's fighting time
I want to thank JackDroidfor helping me write this chapter
Jacob was now doing some last minute training with cacnea, numel, aron, spoink and bagon
Jacob: keep it up you guys, your doing great
Bagon: i gotta train to evolve so i can fly!
Jacob: yes we all want to fly, flying is fun, unless your get motion sickness, you don't get motion sickness do you?
Bagon: I ain't A Dragon Slayer so I think I can handle it
Jacob: but you are a dragon
Bagon: But Dragons are meant to fly! Name A Dragon that can't fly
Jacob: kingdra
Bagon: Name one that isn't from Kanto or Johto
Jacob: you
Bagon: Okay you want A be A Smartass or Just help me fly?
Jacob: well you know you will fly when you get to that final form
Bagon: But I wanna make it go faster, It's my Dream to fly, and I don't mean Planes. They can keep their little peanuts to theirselbes
Jacob: you can't speed up things like this it takes time
Bagon: Not if you throw yourself off cliffs. Survival of the fittest my Friend
Jacob: your gonna throw yourself off a cliff
Bagon: All Bagons do, it's A Rite of Passage
Jacob: how many survive?
Bagon: About 99.9% The rest get into really unlucky accidents. I remember one who fell into A Shallow river and drowned. We don't talk about that Dumbass
Jacob: well this just got dark fast
Bagon: Hey you asked! Now teach me how the fly god Man!
Jacob: you wanna fly ok I'll help you fly
Jacob then pick him up and held him like a football
Jacob: you ready?
Bagon: Just throw me Damnit, I wanna fly!
Jacob: okay, 1...2...3!
Jacob then threw up and he was sent flying in the air
Bagon: I Belive I can fly, I believe I can touch the Sky!
He then slammed into A Tree!
Bagon: They should... Move these... Occupational Hazards...
Jacob: well there're everywhere
Just then he began to glow as he evolved into this
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